

Scholars opinions about Homer

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Scholars opinions about Homer
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During what century did homer live?

That is up for debate. Many scholars say in 850 BC

How long did it take Homer to write the Odyssey?

It is unknown how long it took Homer to write The Odyssey because the consensus that homer wrote the story did not take place until 350 BC. Many scholars believe The Odyssey was written when Homer reached old age.

Who is the speaker of the Homers epic poem?

The speaker of Homer's epic poems, "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey," is traditionally considered to be Homer himself. However, the true identity of Homer is a subject of debate among scholars, with some believing that Homer may have been a collective name used by multiple poets.

Why homer blind?

Like much of Homer's life, including whether he existed at all, there is a mystery surrounding his blindness. It is assumed he was blind based on the character in The Odyssey called Demodokos. Many scholars believe attributing blindness to Homer began with this tale.

How long did it take to write the odyssey?

It is unknown how long it took Homer to write The Odyssey because the consensus that homer wrote the story did not take place until 350 BC. Many scholars believe The Odyssey was written when Homer reached old age.

Approximately during what century did Homer live?

Many scholars say in 850 BC so the 9th century BC.

Why was Homer blind?

Like much of Homer's life, including whether he existed at all, there is a mystery surrounding his blindness. It is assumed he was blind based on the character in the Odyssey called Demodokos. Many scholars believe attributing blindness to Homer began with this tale.

What leads scholars to conclude that the Greek Gods of 2500bc developed writing by the time Homer was believed to have written The Iliad and the Odyssey?

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Is the Homeric question referring to questions scholars have about the true identity and life of Homer?

Yes, and the debate, as to who Homer was and if the Iliad and the Odyssey where written be just one author or multiply authors etc. have been going on since classical antiquity.

What was the homeric question?

The Homeric Question refers to the debate among scholars about the authorship, composition, and historical accuracy of the poems attributed to Homer, specifically the Iliad and the Odyssey. It questions whether Homer was a single poet, multiple poets, or a legendary figure.

What is the name of the author of Odysseus?

Homer is traditionally considered the author of "The Odyssey," an ancient Greek epic poem featuring the hero Odysseus. However, there is debate among scholars on the authorship of the poem.

What else did homer write?

In addition to The Iliad and The Odyssey, the ancient Greek poet Homer is also traditionally credited with writing the Homeric Hymns, a collection of 33 hymns dedicated to various Greek gods. However, scholars debate whether these hymns were actually written by Homer himself.