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the big bang theory

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the big bang theory


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The Big Bang theory

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Q: Scientists extrapolate backwards in time to derive?
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Which bird can also fly backward?

Hummingbird(s)... although scientists have a hard time accepting the FACT.

If you posed a hypothetical answer to a research question but then had a hard time?

It is generally possible extrapolate the answer from the initial predeterminants.

How do you reverse time?

You can't, unless you have a time machine lying around or something. Although some scientists have a theory that if you could travel faster than the speed of light you could travel backwards in time. You wouldn't be able to get back again though!

Is traveling back in time possible?

yes, time travel is possible but (so far) really only works with small objects, such as molecules. Scientists have tested time travel and what you must do, is get a machine to go faster than the speed of light. Then, (scientists did it with music) once they played it in the machine, it sounded like it came out backwards.... or so I've heard.

How you can derive the velocity unit?

velocity=distance / time

What did Gregor Mendel do with experimental results that other scientists of his time did not do?

Gregor Mendel meticulously recorded and analyzed his experimental results, identifying specific patterns in the inheritance of traits in pea plants. He applied statistical analysis to his data, allowing him to derive fundamental principles of heredity that were not widely recognized by other scientists of his time.

What goes backwards not forward?


If the TARDIS is travelling through a red tunnel in the time-space vortex is it going forwards or backwards in time?

Forwards. Blue is backwards.

What is the fastest time a person has said the alphabet backwards?

The fastest time recorded for reciting the alphabet backwards is around 3.84 seconds.

What happens when Superman spins the world backwards?

when superman spins the world backwards it basically reverses time

How did the time change?

the moon goes backwards

Which is the planet that the time goes backwards?
