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Q: Which is the planet that the time goes backwards?
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Related questions

What is the name of the planet where time goes backwards?

Time can never go backwards. You may be thinking of a planet which rotates in the opposite direction to Earth. Venus and Uranus do this.

What goes backwards not forward?


How did the time change?

the moon goes backwards

What goes forwards when it goes backwards?

the 49ers

What goes backwards when it goes forwards?

the equation of 5678r764

How do prograde rotation amd retrograde rotation differ?

Retrograde motion refers to the behaviour of an outer planet while it is overtaken by the Earth, around the time of opposition. At that time the planet appears to move backwards along the ecliptic.

How did Copernicus explain the retrograde motions of the planets?

All the models explain retrograde motion because it is such an obvious phenomenon. In Copernicus's model an outer planet goes into retrograde motion when the inner planet overtakes it so that it appears from the inner planet to be going backwards along the ecliptic.

What planet has the hottest surface temperature and rotate backwards?

it is Venus.

What planet rotates backwards compared to earth?

I think venus

If people traveled faster than the earth would time go backwards?

No because earth is one big planet and the people are small

Why was Mars God of War?

mars god of war fathered many children but had no wife mars has a mythological history that goes backwards from mars as a planet and mars is the ruler of the sign Aries

What waterfall goes backwards in Canada?

Of course.