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Q: Scientists name who discovered wood and oxygen combine during burning?
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Who discovered that wood and oxygon combine during burning?

Antoine Lavoisier discovered that burning is a reaction between oxygen and the combustible material.This reaction is called now oxydation.

Do wood and oxygen combine during burning?


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The ridge was discovered during the expedition of HMS Challenger in 1872. A team of scientists on board, led by Charles Wyville Thompson.

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Krazy glue also known by its chemical name as cyanoacrylate was discovered in 1942. Harry Wesley Cover Jr. led a team of scientists in a search for materials to make clear plastic gun sights out of during WWII. It was during this search that the formula for Krazy glue was discovered.

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"scientist have not discovered WHY it happens"It does not matter if scientists have discovered it or not, but the nuclear membrane disappears during PROPHASEHope this helped!!!

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The ozone layer was discovered in the year 1985. During that period large amount of CFC's were used without knowing the adverse effect of these fatal chemicals. In 1985 scientists discovered that appreciable thinning of ozone layer is happening over the antarctic region. And thus steps for its recovery were made into action.

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The Canaanites were credited with the beginnings of photochemistry. This occurred around 1500 BCE, during the Bronze Age. They prepared purple dyes from a local mollusk.

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There were several scientists that discovered that atoms contained electric charges. One of the first to look at their charges more closely was J.J. Thomson.

What is the burning sensation during douching?

yes, the burning sensation during douching is quite normal in most females.

What two atoms combine during the process of corrosion?

The two atoms that combine are a metal atom and an oxygen atom.

Who proved materials needed oxygen to burn?

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier proved it in France in the late 18th century. I'm not sure about any of the specific experiments he used to prove it, but you can go here if you want to read about one experiment at the link below:

When was ambulance discovered?

The ambulance was not discovered. It was created during the civil war.