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No famous ones, anyway.

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Q: Sculpture are there any nude sculptures of women with three arms and three legs?
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Why do marble statues have no arms?

Very old statues usually get a lot of rough handling and they break off. The old classic look of statues with broken arms has become a sort of symbol for classic art and so is often recreated in more recent statues. But the originals did have arms! A lot of people like the esthetic look of the broken arms and consider the form of the bust or torso to be the perfect body form, and arms become a distraction to them.

What is the meaning of a sculpture of a couple woman is behind man and they have no arms or eyes or forehead?

The women are defenseless against the man in front of them. He takes away things from them to make them puppets.

How did styles of Greeks sculptures over times?

The syles of greek scultpure have become much more realistic.Ê Greek sculpture began with the figures very stiff, arms at the blodys side, as time progresses the statues became more relaxed and more natural looking.

The sculpture Venus de Milo is missing what body part?


What is the name of the sculpture in the louvre with no arms?

The Venus de Milo, or its formal name which is Aphrodite of Milos.

Famous sculpture with no arms was done by who?

The most famous armless sculpture is the so-called Venus de Milo. It is thought to be the work of Alexandros of Antioch and was created at some time between 130 and 100 BC.

What is a pieta?

A pieta is a picture or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus Christ on her lap or in her arms. Source: Oxford American Dictionary (quoted directly)

Does Dylan have arms?

Dylan has three arms, if you know what i mean ;)

What does greek goddess Hygeia wear?

Usually some sort of dress; in classical sculpture she was represented as a woman holding a large serpent in her arms.

What does tribrachial mean?

Tribrachial means having three arms (i.e. some aliens or monsters have three arms).

Austin Prod inc 1970 sculpture Mother sitting down with arms held out holding child.I found a sculpt that look almost like the sculpture that I have it was smaller color was white called Generation.?

I am looking for the Austin Production it for sale?

How did styles of Greek sculptures change over time?

Later Greek sculptors made more realistic statues in natural poses, showingmuscles, hair, and clothing in much greater detail.