

Searching array element by using pointer in c plus plus?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The name of an array can be looked as a pointer of this array,and it points to the local memory address of the first element.So we can gave the address to a pointer.The flow is an easy example to show hou to use a pointer to print an array.

#include "iostream.h"
void main()
char a[]="abcdefgh";
char *b=a;//a
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)

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Q: Searching array element by using pointer in c plus plus?
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Mentioning the array name in C or C++ gives the base address in all contexts except one. Syntactically, the compiler treats the array name as a pointer to the first element. You can reference elements using array syntax, a[n], or using pointer syntax, *(a+n), and you can even mix the usages within an expression. When you pass an array name as a function argument, you are passing the "value of the pointer", which means that you are implicitly passing the array by reference, even though all parameters in functions are "call by value". There is, however, one very important distinction. While an array name is referentially the same as a pointer, it is not a pointer in that it does not occupy program referential space in the process. This means that, while you can change the value of a pointer, and thus the address to which it points, you can not change the value of an array name. This distinction is what we call R-Value (array or pointer) as opposed to L-Value (pointer only), i.e. can the object appear on the left sign of an assignment operator.

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What is the relationship between an array and a pointer?

All variable names are an alias for the value stored at the memory address allocated to them. To get the memory address itself, you must use the address of operator (&). The value returned from this can then be stored in a pointer variable.Arrays are different. The array name is an alias for the start address of the array, thus you do not need the address ofoperator to obtain the memory address (although you can if you want to). This means that when you pass an array name to a function, you pass the memory address of the array rather than passing the array itself (which would require the entire array to be copied, which is a highly inefficient way to pass an array). In essence, the array is passed by reference rather than by value.Consider the following code. This shows how a primitive variable name differs from the name of an array of primitive variables. The final portion shows how a pointer can be used to achieve the same results you got by accessing the array elements directly from the array name itself. This is in fact how the compiler implements arrays, using pointers, but there's no need to do this in your code. Accessing array elements directly by their index is a programming convenience.#include using namespace std;int main(){int i = 10;cout

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