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It never would. Sound is vibration through some physical medium; the speed of sound is related to the speed of the vibrations. No physical medium can move at the speed of light, so the speed of sound could never get there.

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Q: Seeming as the speed of sound in air speeds up if the temperature rises therefore how hot would you have to heat the air up until the speed of sound through that air is equal to the speed of light?
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How does temperature affect the speed of sound through a material?

Temperature affects the speed of sound through material by kinetic energy. The more molecules the higher temperatures will have more energy.

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An increase in temperature speeds up the reaction rate.

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An increase in temperature speeds up the reaction rate.

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It will usually travel at different speeds in the two media, and therefore (as a result of the Huygens-Fresnel principle), change its direction.

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It sounds like u need to replace the thermostat. At slower speeds the air flow through the radiator is minimal, but at higher speeds the air cools the radiator more. This only happens if the thermostat is not keeping the water in the engine block long enough.

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more catalysts, surface area, concentration, or temperature

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It depends, but usually extreme temperature speeds it up! Good Luck!

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a great variety of speeds.

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Yes. It is doing more work at higher speeds and therefore is using more energy.

The speed of sound, like all waves, depends on the ____ through which it travels?

Sound travels at different speeds depending on what it is traveling through. Of the three mediums (gas, liquid, and solid) sound waves travel the slowest through gases, faster through liquids, and fastest through solids. Temperature also affects the speed of sound.