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Q: Shares of ownership in a company is called a?
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What is meant by shares?

a share is the contribution in the ownership of the company. The person who purchases the shares become the shareholder of the company. He has now purchased the shares and has a contribution in the ownership. He will be given dividend as per his ownership

What is a company that sells ownership shares to many investors called?

It is called a stable investment maybe idk

A company that sells ownership shares to many investors is what?

It is called a stable investment maybe idk

What are shareholders of a company?

ownership of company is divided in shares{parts} and is given to public to subscribe and become shareholders{people who buy the shares of company are called shareholders}=owners. hope it helps you.. :)

How does an investor get ownership interest in a company?

by purchasing shares in the company

What encourages people to buy shares in ownership of a company?

The dividends encourage the people to buy shares in the company as they would receive a share of the profits made by business they invested in.

Profits represent ownership of shares of a company?


What is it called when investors buy part ownership in a company in return for a share of future profits?

Buying stock (shares)

What is a public limited company in terms of ownership?

I am no expert, but in a company you have the option to sell shares for capital income. So if it is limited to the public, then it means that bussinesses cannot buy shares. Ownership belongs to the members in terms of % shares.

What is a stock as in stock market?

Individual shares (ownership) in a company.

What is the difference between transmission and transfer?

Transfer of shares is the mode of changing the ownership by sale/gift of his shares in a company by the present holder to a purchaser/donee. Transmission of shares takes place when the ownership passes from one holder to another by operation of law. For example, 'A', the present shareholder of shares in a company dies, the ownership in his shares passes to his legal heirs by law.

What are Ordinary shares?

Any shares that are not preferred shares and do not have any predetermined dividend amounts. An ordinary share represents equity ownership in a company and entitles the owner to a vote in matters put before shareholders in proportion to their percentage ownership in the company.