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I highly doubt it. I have had shingles since I was 19 and I'm now 43. They get worse and more painful the older that I get. If it is shingles, you will have nerve pain around the affected area and the nerve pain is excrutiating and basic Advil/ibuprofen will not ease the pain. Also, when the rash is present, it will itch something fierce. It is possible you have something else if it doesn't itch or cause you pain.

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2 or 3 days after pain, a rash will show up, but you may have ( this is rare) pain with no rash.

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Q: Is it possible to have Shingles with no pain and no itching?
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What are the symptoms of the illness shingles?

Shingle is a painful skin rash. The symptoms of shingles includes pain, burning, a numbness or tingling, itching, a red rash that begins a few days after the pain.

What can i do for Itching burning ulcerations severe on arm crying all night severe pain please help.?

See your health care provider as soon as possible. If shingles is the cause, early treatment can lessen the duration of pain.

How does a person know they have signs of shingles symptoms?

The most common symptoms include rashes, itching, pain, discomfort, burning, flu symptoms, diarrhea, swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes. Usually the itching will be overshadowed by the pain.

What are the signs and symptoms of Shingles?

Shingles give off several symptoms including pain, burning, itching, numbness or tingling. Also may include a red rash that begins a few days after the pain and fluid-filled blisters that break open and crust over.

How does calamine lotion treat chickenpox?

Calamine lotion doesn't actually treat the chickenpox virus. It does, however, help relieve the itching that is associated with the spots. It contains an anti-itching agent to relieve itching.

How do you cure shingles in the inner thighs?

There is no cure for Shingles. You need to see your doctor to get Acyclovir or some other anti viral. Pain pills and Prednisone are available to treat pain. Some home remedys for the pain and itching include Hydrocortizone, cool wet rags, or a garlic clove cut and rubbed over the site.

Can shingles pain be helped with flexeril?

Can i takr flexeril for shingles pain

How do you treate shingles?

There is no cure for herpes zoster (shingles), but anitviral medicines, such as Acyclovir, can shorten the duration of the break out and help reduce pain. To help treat the pain associated with shingles, your doctor can also prescribe antidepressants, steroids, or a topical steroid cream, and creams to help the itching. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever may also help. Ask the pharmacist for suggestions for over-the-counter treatments.

What does shingles disease look like?

Shingles is a viral condition that involves inflammation of sensory nerves. Affecting adults, the condition can cause numbness, itching, or pain followed by the appearance of clusters of little blisters on one side of the body.

Is it normal if you had shingles months ago but continue to get the horrible pain with no rash and how long does it continue?

You may need to ask your doctor for a little help with this one. Shingles pain can continue for quite a while after the condition has supposedly cleared up. Yes, it's possible. Nerve pain is a common lingering side effect of shingles. It can lessen over time and even disappear, but some people need pain management therapy to deal with the pain. There are a lot of resources on the web devoted to shingles.

Can alcohol cause Shingles?

From previous experience and explaination from my GP, yes, large amounts of alcohol can weaken your immune system, which can lead to Shingles. Personally I had already been run down and then after a reasonable amount of alcohol one night I started to notice pain in my side and then itching.

Can you get the shingles once you have had them?

It is possible for the outbreak to occur more than once; but only about 5% will have additional outbreaks.