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no because the one female will give stress to the other and then it will eat the babies

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Q: Should 2 females be together if one has babies?
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Can you have one male and three females together?

yes they will because the male will probably have babies with all three

One of your females dwarf hamsters is pregnant should you keep her with your other 2 females?

If you want to. But if you do they MIGHT kill the babies or take over and care for the other hamster's babies.

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YOU CANT IT IS A RISK! But you can help by putting the females together for about 2 weeks before birth.

Can you put two females teddy bear hamster together?

You can if they are babies, but if they are adults, then the answer is no.They will fight until one eventually dies. Happens to males too.

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sometimes female coyotes have 5 babies but most female coyotes have 7

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yes at first so it can have babies to birth but then when the females babies are born she can leave the fatheror kill him if he trys tohurt one of the babies

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This is not uncommon. Sometimes animals (the females) will eat their young if they are dead or not "quite right." It's nature and sometimes it can be cruel.

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one at a time females only give birth to 2-3 surviving young!!

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They can ,But they are very social little pets and are a lot more happier and content with a partner..... two females or two males, you can have one of each but watch out for babies if you have a male and female together.

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Dominant males have many babies in life depending on number of fertile females in a group while female can have one baby after 4 years , .

Should boys have the same rights as girls?

Yes we should, but in reality this is not happening.