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Q: Should Congress play a greater role in the formation of American foreign policy?
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political factions. He believed that getting involved in permanent foreign alliances would entangle the nation in conflicts that were not in its best interest. He also cautioned against the formation of political factions, as he feared they would lead to division and a focus on individual interests rather than the greater good of the country.

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Increased foreign investment.

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What policy did Washington follow toward foreign nations?

When Adams entered office, he realized that he needed to protect Washington's policy of staying out of the French and British war. Because the French helped secure American independence from Britain, they had greater popularity with America. After the Jay Treaty, the French became angry and began seizing American merchant ships that were trading with the British in what became known as the "Quasi-War." Adams sent a commission to negotiate an understanding with France. However, Adams urged the Congress to augment the navy and army in case of diplomatic failure. ~Brianna Stokes~

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they pressed for greater economic opportunity for African Americans

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They wanted to have a greater share of tax money

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they pressed for greater economic opportunity for African Americans

What results from greater capital mobility?

increased foreign trade

Greater capital mobility can help developing countries by providing what?

Increased foreign investment

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The islands of the Greater Antilles were formed through a combination of tectonic plate movements and volcanic activity. The region is located along the boundary between the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates, leading to the formation of mountains and volcanic arcs that eventually emerged as the islands we see today.