

Should I be concerned about how quickly I lost weight?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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The weight that you initially lose is water, not fat and losing too much water can have negative side effects such as dehydration. Furthermore, if you restrict your diet too much you will be missing out on important vitamins and minerals. Losing weight too quickly can also leave you feeling tired and effect the appearance of you hair and skin. x

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Q: Should I be concerned about how quickly I lost weight?
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The feeling of losing weight quickly is probably satisfying to almost everyone because humans always try to look for that quick fix. However, losing weight quickly does have its consequences. If a person has lost a lot of weight quickly, chances are they did not do it in a healthy way. This puts them at a risk of gaining a lot of weight back and very fast.

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Try this because I lost 17lbs in 10 days : bi (remove the space)

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What are some diet solutions that will help me lose weight quickly?

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