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Whether you should try it really depends on your preferences. If you like vanilla ice cream or vanilla pudding, you would probably like vanilla flavored Hot Chocolate.

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Q: Should I buy the chocolate hot cocoa or should I try it flavored vanilla?
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Should you put chocolate iceing on french vanilla cake?

Yes! I teach cake decorating and chocolate buttercream icing on french vanilla cake is delicious

What ice cream melts the slowest vanilla chocolate or strawberry?

There should be no difference between the flavors.

People who are good at baking How do I make a vanilla AND white chocolate cake which tastes good?

I think you should put a few drops of vanilla essence into normal cake mixture and then add white chocolate chips.

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you could have a war over chocolate and vanilla but this would not be necessary and you should look up the definition of war before determining if this would be a "war" or fight.

How many calories are there in chocolate flavored milk cold?

probably about 150-200 but if it is a diets shake like slimfast, it should be less than that, if you bought it it should say on the label how many.

How much mint should I add to make a chocolate cake into a mint chocolate cake?

This is more of a matter of taste I'd say, however, I'd suggest using Mint Extract in place of the normal vanilla. Vanilla extract is called for in most chocolate cake recipes, it enhances the chocolate flavoring, to make a mint cake, just substitute a mint extract for the vanilla.

Is vanilla bad for cats?

Vanilla is not toxic to cats and it will not harm them if they eat something with vanilla in it. They really do not need vanilla in their diet so there is no reason to feed it to them in their regular diet.

Does vanilla bean have caffeine in it?

No. Pure vanilla extract should contain only vanilla & alcohol.

Will vanilla ice cream malt faster than chocolate?

All conditions being equal chocolate ice cream should melt faster. The dark color will absorb more heat.

Name an ice cream topping that every ice cream shop should have?

In the whole world vanilla is the favorite ice cream topping!

What is the serving size of coffee?

To serve with coffee, a simple-flavored (like white, angel, vanilla, or pound) cake should be served in moderate sized slices. Slightly smaller than average.

Different flavors of ice cream?

There are millions of different kinds and flavors of ice cream in the world. Most are named for their ingredients or flavor (chocolate, vanilla, mint chocolate chip, butter pecan, cookie dough, cookies and cream, coffee, ect.) and some have "different" names (rocky road, stars and strips, neopolitan, tin roof sundae, ect).