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== == It's never a good idea to pierce yourself with a safety pin, true. But if you'd like to wear one as jewelry, look around online for surgical steel safety pins. There are ones that are specifically designed to be worn as jewelry; they are hypoallergenic and not as sharp on the end.

piercing is not a good idea in general it can get infected

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16y ago

No, it is most certainly not safe to do so. Even when done in a professional setting it is possible for problems such as infections to occur. Given that the eyebrow is extremely close to your eye, and any injury or infection in the area could damage your sight, it would be very foolish to attempt this... the chances of infection and injury are extremely high should you attempt it.

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8y ago

"No , Its not safe , It needes to be done with proper sterile equipment with people who know what they are doing , otherwise your nose could get infected and you could lose some of it."

It's safe IF you do it the right way. There's always a chance of infection, even with a professional. You need to sterilize your safety pin with alcohol, and wipe off your nose with some too. (I did my piercing this way, TWICE)

I even know a professional who did this at home once. Just relax and enjoy your new piercing

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15y ago

It's never really all that safe to pierce yourself. Especially when re piercing, it could be an issue of how it closed it up and why in the first place.

If by re-piercing you mean the hole is almost closed but not quite, then it's not so bad. You'd have to sterilize the ring of course.

But it's always the safest bet to see a professional piercing artist.

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