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If you have enough sand you should just put sand in the bottom. It is like a bath for them and keeps them clean.

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Yes, it is similar to their natural habitat and they will love digging in it. Keep it a little wet and sift it when it gets dirty.

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Q: Should I put sand in the bottom of my gerbil's cage and then put shavings on top of it?
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Is it a good idea to put sand in the bottom of my gerbil's cage and then fill it up with shavings because I know that gerbils are desert rodents and they would like sand.?

i suggest to use chinchila sand and put it in a box or a plastic bowl note: dont keep the bowl in the cage for too long

Are gerbils allergic to sawdust?

They are not necessarily allergic to it but sawdust is not recommended for gerbils as they love to burrow and it can get in there eyes. This also includes pine and cedar wood shavings which are hazardous. I use simple unscented wood shavings that won't cause respiritory problems and fill the cage 1/3 to 1/2 full so thy can burrow. You could also use shredded paper but the cage will have to be cleaned more often.

Will two boy gerbils fight together in a cage?

two boy gerbils should not fight, aslong as they knew each other form since they were pups. if not, use the split cage method and you should be fine. if you leave some old bedding in the cage when you clean it out gerbils are less likely to fight. girl gerbils are more dominent so boys are less likely to fight then girls. always keep a pair of gerbils, or they will get depressed. some gerbils do like to live alone, but this is uncommon.

How big does your cage have to be for three gerbils to live in?

not very big because i have 2 gerbils and my cage is small

What is the maximun gerbils you can have in a cage?

gerbils mostly live in pairs or small groups so it depends on the size of the cage and if the gerbils know each other

Does a gerbils cage need to be off the ground?

No. Just keep in mind when placing the cage that it it's a wire cage, gerbils will kick their shavings everywhere and it will most likely Mae a mess around the outside of the cage. Also keep in mind that if the door is left open or the lid is left off or whatever, they will probably take the escape chance. With the cage on the floor, the gerbil's free to go. With it on a table, the gerbil may be trapped, or, they may jump and get themselves hurt. Just think out the scenerios when placing the cage.

What do you do if your gerbils nails are to long?

Give them things to scratch on like thick peaces of cardboard personally my gerbils scratch the side of the plastic bottom of the cage and that keeps their nails short bless.

There are fruit fly in your gerbils cage what do you do?

clean the cage out and the food.

How much is a gerbil?

Atleast $35 dollars and $5 every other week. upto $20 for a cage, 3 for a water bottle, 2 for a food dish and for a wheel and plastic toys and some wood shavings for $10 . food usually coasts 2- 3 dollars and for wood shavings about 3 for a bag. Change the shavings in the cage every week. Gerbils cost between $7.00 and $15.00

Can you keep 3 gerbils in the same cage?

yes, gerbils like to live in groups like a meerkat in australia. if the cage is big enough, if u have a small cage they will get territorial

What do you put on the floor of a mouse cage?

Wood shavings

How often should you clean your Gerbils cage?

Once a month is fine. Gerbils are desert creatures so produce very little urine and waste compared to other rodents.