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The questions operate quasi-independently.

Can Jews worship anywhere? -- Yes. Jews can pray in any building and are recommended to pray in a local synagogue. The only requirement is that the place be clean, so a personal

Should Jews go to Jerusalem? -- Certainly. Jews should go to Jerusalem because it has the holiest sites in Judaism and is worth visiting to connect to the historical aspects of the religion and culture. It also has many of Judaism's most renowned Yeshivot (religious universities). However, it is not necessary for simple prayer and Jews have (unfortunately) lived for centuries where the majority of the community was unable to go to Jerusalem for their entire lives.

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Q: Should Jewish people bother going to Jerusalem or they can worship anywhere they are?
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Jerusalem, while figuring prominently in all three faiths, is most central to Jewish teachings than the teachings of any other faith. Furthermore, Israel as proven that it can maintain an Old City where all faiths can worship freely at their holy sites. (Palestinian claims about difficulty of access are about entry to Jerusalem as a whole, not any restrictions in the Old City.)

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this is how Jesus answered the question of where we should worship 21Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4

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How did the Council of Jerusalem contribute to the development of the early Church?

Previously to the Council of Jerusalem, Jewish Christians were demanding that converts to Christianity from paganism be circumcised and follow the Jewish law. Peter, as the first pope rules that under Christianity, circumcision is no longer a badge of covenant membership for the people of God, and that converts were not bound to the liturgical rites of the Jewish religion. James goes on to clarify that they should, however, respect those aspects of Jewish custom necessary to maintain harmony within the congregation of Jews and Gentiles.

What website do you go to to find a map of were Jerusalem?

What do you mean were Jerusalem? If you google 'Jerusalem map' you should get a site.

How did king Cyrus help Jews?

King Cyrus let the Jews go back to Jerusalem. He also allowed Nehemiah, his cup bearer, to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls around the city. Cyrus was very tolerant towards other religions. He thought it was right that he let the Jews go back to their own land and worship their own god there.

Is Jerusalem a safe place for an American to live and work?

It is perfectly safe; the Arabs only wish to kill Jews, they don't want to kill anyone else. If you are not Jewish you should be alright. Jerusalem is probably the safest place to be in Israel. It is almost as sacred to Muslims as it is to Jews and Christians.

What is the difference between the synagogue and the temple?

A synagogue (as called a shul) is a place for communal prayer. Jew's pray three time a day every day. In smaller communities only the Shabbos prayer service may be done at the synagogue and the others done individually. A synagogue building may also be used for Torah study and other community activities. The Jewish Temple, located in Jerusalem, was a place where the scarifies described in the Torah were offered. People were permitted to attend the offering of the communal scarifies. Those who could not make it to Jerusalem would gather together in there own communities at the same time the scarifies was being offered. This also became a place for prayer, a synagogue. Since the destruction of the Temple we can no longer offer scarifies but we still gather together in synagogues to acknowledge the offerings that should be made and to offer prayers instead. The Reform, Reconstructionist, and Messianic Movements call their places of prayer a temple. However the concept of any temple other then the one Jerusalem is problematic in normative Jewish theology.

Holy sabath meaning?

In the Jewish faith (and some christian denominations) the holy sabbath is the day that God completed the universe and rested. In the Jewish Torah and the Christian old testament, the creation story says that God made that day holy and that no one should work on that day and they should instead worship their creator.

How do you you know whom to worship and whom not to?

Whom you should worship and whom you should not worship depends on your religious affiliation. For example, if you are a Jew or a Muslim, you should worship God (or Allah) and no one else. If you are a Christian, you should worship God and Jesus but no one else. If you are a Zoroastrian, you should worship Ahura Mazda and no one else. Some religions have several gods, all of whom you should normally worship. Your religious leaders or your scriptures would give you advice on which gods to worship. The Dao religion has its own gods, but fully accepts the worship of any other God or gods that you wish to worship. Ask God to guide you to the . He will.