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It mostly affects men between the ages of 20 and 34. But it wouldn't hurt to check even at 16.

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Q: Should a 16 year old be checking his testes for testicular cancer?
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Related questions

What is the purpose of testicular surgery?

to reposition undescended testes (orchiopexy); to correct testicular torsion ; to treat testicular cancer, which may involve removal of the testicles (castration) or the testes (orchiectomy); to treat traumatic injuries of the testicles; and.

What is the most important risk for testicular cancer in young males?

nondescent of testes

What are the probable causes of testes not dropping?

If the testes don't descend (drop) after birth, then the male can become sterile (infertile), and the risk of testicular cancer increases.

I'm 14 ad have a lump on your testes and sometime experience back pain is there anything but testicular cancer this can be?

It could be a cyst on the epididymus, or testicular torsion. But go and see your doctor to make certain what the problem is, testicular cancer is treatable but if it is left untreated it can kill.

Why is it important for a male to examine his testes regularly how often should it be done?

It is important to check for testicular cancer. Once a month or so is sufficient to feel for unusual lumps.

Does testicular cancer almost always occur in both testes?

I got it in both, so of course it does! It also gives you giant balls and a raging boner, too!

What is a testicular self-examination?

A testicular self-examination (TSE) is the procedure by which a man checks the appearance and consistency of his testes.

How often should a man check for testicular cancer?

Testicular self-examinationFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBecause testicular cancer is a significant killer of teenage boys and grown men, doctors recommend monthly self-examination.Men from puberty onwards should examine their testes after a hot shower or bath, when the scrotum is looser. They should first examine each testicle separately, feeling for lumps, and then compare them to see whether one is larger than the other. By doing this each month, males will become familiar with what is normal for them.

Where are the testes located in human males?

Inside the testicular sac, below the cocsys

What is testicular hypofunction?

Testicular hypofunction is a disorder which makes the left side of the testicles swell. It causes an abnormal failure of the testes when it goes unchecked.

Why is testicular self examination important for all males?

To check for testicular cancer lumps or bumps on the testicles. The earlier cancer of the testes is detected, the better chance of fighting this disease.

If a woman had the same type of cancer as Lance Armstrong what would it be called?

Ovarian cancer could be considered the female equivalent to testicular cancer, as they are essentially homologous organs. (that is, they share a "common ancestry" embyologically, and they are both gonads and endocrine glands) Depending on how one interprets it, it is theoretically possible for a woman to have to have testicular cancer. One suffering from intersexuality "disorders" like complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) - genetically a male with undescended testes, but with a vagina and outward female appearance - or Klinefelter's syndrome - instead of XY (male) or XX (female) chromosomes, one has XXY - can get testicular cancer.