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Sun-sign-wise, it may not be the best pairing. The Virgo tends to favor down-to-earth, practical means of getting things done and is hypercritical of the Gemini's tendency to flit from one thing to another. The Virgo will likely see the Gemini as irritatingly flighty, and inconsistent. The Gemini may see the Virgo as too stalwart. Both may enjoy each other's intellectual abilities; although the Virgo tends to see the Gemini's knowledge as too superficial.

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Q: Should a Virgo date a Gemini?
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very!! they will be best friends if they get close together....BUTGemini annoys Virgo Virgo annoys Geminiits actually very funnyrelationship wise? Gemini will leave Virgo but will leave because Virgo will smother Gemini. OR Virgo will leave Gemini because Gemini wont want to stay around 24/7LOVE INSIGHTSVirgos are masters of organization and look for perfection in everything - and that means you too! The Virgo love connection needs to make sense on all levels (as well as intuitively) before the green light is given. Trust, reliability, and a stable love wins and keeps their heart.Virgo - Gemini : Creative bliss! They're in intellectual heaven.Yes, they can have a smooth relationship in many cases. They get along quite well as long as one doesn't try to hurt the other emotionally.

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