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My opinion is that no, doctors should not charge to administer a vaccine and the cost of the vaccine. If this was the case, not so many people would go to get shots to keep them immune from disease. If less people get their shots, then the whole population with become less healthy. #doesthishelpany #ihopeso #sorryifitdoesnot

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Q: Should a doctor charge to administer a vaccine and the cost of the vaccine?
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Discuss that with your doctor. We do not give medical advice.

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Why is the influenza vaccine not free?

In the US the vaccine for the H1N1/09 pandemic swine flu was provided free from the US government. However, if you had a private provider (doctor, hospital, pharmacy, etc.) administer your vaccination instead of a public health professional from the local or state government, then you may have been charged for their administration of the vaccine. The seasonal flu vaccine is usually either paid by insurance with preventive and wellness coverage, or charged to the individual directly.

Should you take the swine flu vaccine if you have stents in heart rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes should?

Ask your doctor if you should get the flu vaccine. Never rely on information from general sources like this site when making important medical decisions.

Did you ever manage to go collect the rabies vaccine for me?

One should get a rabies vaccine if they are exposed to rabies or have a high risk of being exposed to rabies. There are three doses to the rabies vaccine, and one can get it from the Health Department or from one's doctor.

How can you remove the vaccine fluid from your arm after the doctor injects you with a vaccine?

You can't without bleeding yourself to death - a vaccine is injected into your bloodstream or muscle mass. If you have a serious medical reason why you cannot be vaccinated you should tell your doctor before any attempt is made to vaccinate you. Medical science supports the use of vaccinations.

Do RN'S have to administer a contolled substance?

A controlled substance is one that is addictive. Either a nurse or a doctor may administer a controlled substance. In a hospital setting, the doctor may write the order for the medication, and a nurse will later administer it.

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A nurse can administer an immunization after an order has been written by a doctor.

Does HIV positive take HIV vaccine?

No, immmunisation should not be confused with treatment. Go see your doctor if you're at risk.