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Q: Should a judge issue a no trespass order?
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Can you get a protection order to keep a minor in state of Arkansas?

Certainly, a judge can issue such an order if the judge believes that there is a valid legal reason to do so.

How long court takes to give the order to administrator?

It should be a matter of a day or so. In most cases the paperwork can be submitted and the judge will issue the Letters of Authority within a day. If there is conflict as to who should serve, there may be a hearing to resolve the issue.

Can you get a court order to have your son go to your eldest sons to live?

A judge has wide latitude in issuing orders. The judge may issue the order if you can show reasonable cause.

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How would you dispute a judge's order of contempt of court?

You can appeal but a judge has the discretion to issue a contempt of court order and that is rarely reversed. If it is civil you "hold the keys" and can pay your way out.

Will he actually be arrested if you file for contempt?

The answer is it depends. The issue of arrest for contempt is up to the judge. The judge may order an immediate arrest, may issue or warrant for arrest, or may give the party against whom the contempt is alleged time to "purge the contempt". The last is a chance for the party accused of contempt to correct whatever situation has caused the contempt to exist. Contempt is an afront to the court, whether it is disobedience of a court order or improper conduct in a courtroom. Filing for contempt asks a judge to make a finding that a party has not obeyed an order. That issue is ultimately up to a judge.

Remove a restraining order issued by a judge?

You would have to file a motion with the court to be heard in front of THAT judge, and present reasoning why the order should be dissolved.

What could a judge issue to legally make something happen or stop something from happening?

Like to know at my status conference hearing with the judge in court for back taxes do I need a attorney at this point and what can happen I wrote and ask if I can make payments and live in my home

What are Examples of intent to trespass?

You see a watermelon in Mrs. Brown's garden. You want the watermelon. In order to get the watermelon you have to cross Mrs. Brown's yard. To cross her yard you have commit a trespass. Your intent to cross her yard to get to that watermelon is the "intent to trespass."

How do you remove a gag order?

if the judge did not sign the gagging order then it should not be legal, but it is a point to question.

When wouldn't a Judge insist on order in the courtroom?

When eveything is running as it should be

Can a wife be ordered to transfer her rights in the marital home to her husband?

Depending on the circumstances, the only party who could issue such an order is a judge.