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angina is a clinical diagnosis, & investigations are usually not very helpful in reaching a diagnosis of angina. angina is defined as a feeling of chest pain or discomfort, especially a squeezing or a constricting type of pain over your chest or other parts of body , usually radiating to left arm & shoulder, aggravated on physical activity or mental stress, which may or may not e relieved by rest.

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Related questions

When should I seek a doctor's advice for angina?

If you've been in the hospital and diagnosed with angina, you should see your family doctor within a week of being released from the hospital.

My left arm hurts after brisk walk?

The condition is called 'angina pectoris' or angina, in short. It is caused by insufficient supply of blood to the heart, and signifies a general lack of fitness. To improve the condition, do moderate exercises, and watch what you eat-cholesterol is bad for your arteries.

What should one do immediately if he experiences symptoms of angina?

If a person is experiencing the symptoms of angina then, as with all chest pain, they should immediately consult their doctor or seek emergency attention. Angina is a serious medical condition, and can often be a sign of increased risk of other medical conditions such as heart attack.

What is the word for the condition of episodes of severe chest pain due to inadequate blood flow to the myocardium is known as?

Angina pectoris, but everyone just calls it angina

What care should angina sufferers have?

Lots, and very specific! There are vasodilator medications which help bloodflow in your heart, but there are a lot of types and stages of angina. Your doctor is the best person to start with if you have this condition.

What is the symptoms of Angina and Heartattack?

Angina is a medical term for chest pain. Symptoms of Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction is Angina(chest pain), the pain usually radiates to the jaw, right shoulder and back. Pain could be mild to severe, it should not be ignored and it needs immediate medical intervention.

Can teenagers get angina?

can teens get angina .and also get coronary artery disease

Should Angina cause pain in chest and arms?

Yes and if you are experiencing this get medical aid immediately.

How are angina symptoms brought on and dissipated?

Angina attacks are brought on by exertion and relieved by rest.

What is angina pecoris?

Angina pectoris, commonly referred to as just "angina", is chest pain caused by ischemia, or shortage of oxygenated blood supply, to the heart muscle. Unlike a heart attack, angina does not result in permanent damage to the heart muscle.

What is the medical term meaning pain felt when the heart does not receive enough oxygen?

It's called as 'angina pectoris'.Angina pectorisangina pectorisAngina pectoris.

What are some of the early symptoms of angina?

Early symptoms of angina are pain and discomfort although the circumstances differ depending on the kind of angina. Stable angina for example shows it's symptoms during physical exertion but doesn't last very long.