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they can babysit if they want to, it's their own choice :)

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Q: Should a ten year old babysit?
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Can a ten year old babysit if it knows what its doing?


Is age ten legal to babysit a three year old?

Yes , age ten is to young to babysit a kid. It is so because a ten year old don't have the mental and physical strenght to take care a baby. Yes , age ten is to young to babysit a kid. It is so because a ten year old don't have the mental and physical strenght to take care a baby.

How many kids can a 10 year old babysit?

I think a ten year old can babysit as many children they can depending on their responsibility and how many kids they can handle.

Is it okay for a ten year old girl to babysit?

If the ten year old girl in question is a responsible person, she could babysit. Not all ten year olds could be trusted with such a responsibility, but some can. In Addition: It depends on the laws in that state, if they are responsible, and how old the kid they are watching is.

Can you babysit at ten years old?

If you are responsible and if the parent knows you very well, then it should be okay to babysit at ten years old. In Addition: It also depends on the laws in your area. In many places, you have to be at least 12 years old to babysit.

Can a ten year old babysit alone in the city of Erie?

you have to be 11 or older

What age can your ten year old babysit your seven year old?

14 is the legal age for baby sitting. x

Is it legal for a ten year old babysit in Illinois?

Yes for short amounts of time.

Can a ten year old mature girl babysit for other families?

not until she is 12 or 13

Can your 10 year old babysit for one night?

no! ten is way too young. who would leave a ten year old looking after their kids. I've been babysitting for a 12 year old before.

How old do you have to be to babysit yourself?

i would have to say ten (because im ten and telling my mom i can babysit myself ) but thats my guess

Should a ten year old child babysit?

No. A ten year old is not yet mature enough to accept sole responsibility for a child and does not yet have the capacity to understand the consequences of his/her actions.Unless they have good parents that taught them well and are extremely responsible (which is very rare).