

Best Answer

Not really. This impolite behaviour whuch reflexes his bad nature.

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Q: Should a woman stay in a six-year relationship she is having with a man who has a woman living with him for over 20 years but says he does not love the woman he is living with?
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No If your love relationship is finished with a person the it should not matter if you form another relationship.

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Individuals, who run from one relationship to another, usually never find what they are looking for in that other person. Having an affair with someone is significantly different from actually living with that person. The sexual excitement of the relationship usually becomes dull and boring after a couple of years.

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There is no general statute for not having a living will.

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The study of the relationship between living things and the environment is ecology.

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you are not married but live together and have a relationship through living in the same place, its very similar to having a boyfriend or a girlfriend but is usually more serious.

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dont sleep with him unless you want a relationship or you will be stuck doing it!

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You don't do this. Having someone become jealous is a waste of energy and if she is smart she will dump you for talking about your exes. Instead of living in your past start to live for today. What happened in the past should stay there and doesn't belong with a present relationship.