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Q: Should all Burns be flushed with cool water?
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What type of burns should be flushed with cool water until EMS arrives?


How do you make burns cool quicker?

run them under cool water

What first aid remedy do you use for burns?

clean it and cool it. (with cool, not cold, water).

What should be done if somebodyexperience burns?

Cool the burn area by running cold water over it for 15 minutes seek medical attention if serious

Can butter cool a burn?

No, butter is non sterile and will likely lead to infection, burns should be cooled with cold water and covered with cellophane to keep it clean

How did the atomic bomb effect Hiroshima's water supply?

Well, many of the dying jumped in the water to try to cool their burns.

Should i cover a burn or leave it open?

Treating minor burns - Cool the skin with running cool water for 10/20 minutes (do not use ice, creams or anything greasy). Cover the burn using cling film or a plastic bag. Take a painkiller. Do not break any blisters. Treating chemical burns, as already described but a cool damp towel may be applied. Electrical burns should be referred to Hospital

What does a doctor do to first degree burns?

They will first cool off the burn under cool water or with an ice pack. Then they may apply burn gel or aloe.

The first thing you would do for a first degree burn is?

You should first cool off the burn under cool water or with an ice pack. Then you can apply burn gel or aloe.

Do's and don'ts of first aid in case of burns?

do: cool water and a dressing donts: butter, ice, poping blisters

When treating burns run cool water over the burned area pat dry and then cover with a sterile bandage?


What is the aid for first degree burns?

run cool water over the effected area for at least 5 min or until the pain subsides then dress with sterile gause bandage preferably burn dressings