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No they don't, because then all the money would be same dollar would be dollar not like rupee or euro.

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1mo ago

While having some universal laws can promote consistency and cooperation, different countries have unique cultures, histories, and circumstances that may necessitate different laws. It is important for each country to have laws that address the needs and values of its citizens while also upholding basic human rights and international norms. Sharing common principles can be beneficial, but complete uniformity may not be practical or desirable.

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4y ago

No, because every country has there own laws that best adapt to their own surroundings and environment. Also, if every country had the same laws, when you would visit a country there would still be the ame laws so you can't exploe as much as you want to!

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Q: Should all countries have the same laws?
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What laws should there be for same-sex marriage?

Laws surrounding same-sex marriage should ensure equal rights and protections for all couples, regardless of sexual orientation. These laws should allow for legal recognition, rights to inheritance, benefits, and protections in cases of divorce or death, just as with heterosexual marriages.

If one studies law is it compulsory to know laws of all countries?

No, it is not compulsory to know the laws of all countries. Typically, lawyers specialize in the laws of specific countries or regions. However, having a broad understanding of international law can be beneficial in certain legal fields.

Is there any countries that don't have any laws?

Practically all countries have some form of legal system in place, even if they may vary in complexity and enforcement. While some may have more informal systems of governance, the absence of any laws would lead to chaos and an inability to regulate society.

The idea that laws should apply equally ta all people is called a?

The idea that laws should apply equally to all people is called "equality under the law" or "rule of law." This principle ensures that all individuals are subject to the same legal standards and are treated fairly within the legal system, regardless of their status or position.

What is the idea that laws should apply equally?

The concept that laws should apply equally is known as the principle of equality before the law. This principle ensures that all individuals are subject to the same laws and are treated equally under the legal system, regardless of their social status, wealth, or power. It promotes fairness, justice, and the rule of law in a society.

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Make laws ~all governments make laws~ Nova net lession~ Vickeh xP

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Yes same metric system should be used by all countries. It becomes easy for everyone .

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Job satisfaction should mean the same in all countries. -It is something to be treasured, often more than money.

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In some countries, yes. All of the United States's laws are based on the constitution. In other countries, no.

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I think that women in other countries should have the same rights as women do here in the U.S. because we all have the same rights and I think that it should be like this all over the country.

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All countries have variations in their laws.

If the US flag is displayed with flags of other countries What size should they be?

All national flags should be at the same height, and the same size.

Do all countries have the same weather?

yes but not all countries have the same weather.

Should all fire extinguisher labels be bilingual?

There are laws in some countries that make obligatory the use of graphic (pictures) instructions on all fire extinguishers

What laws should not be broken by the Masai?

All legislated laws should be adhered to by all people.

What Protects workers from discrimitory hiring and firing policies?

The employment laws legislation of the country. It should be noted that not all countries have employment legislation.