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Zoos may seems like a inhumane way to keep animal... locked up. But the plus side to zoos are they help stop animals from becoming extinct. They are also used for animal research which can help repopulate some species back into the wild.


  • Zoo life does not prepare animals for the challenges of life in the wild. For example, two rare lynxes released into the wild in Colorado died from starvation even though the area was full of hares, which are a lynx's natural prey.

  • Zoo will care for orphaned young or injured wildlife.

  • Animals properly cared for in Zoo's usually live a longer and healthier life than those in the wild, and they also allow those of us who have never been to the wilds a chance to see those animals with our own eye


  • Diseases often spread between species

    that would never live together naturally.

    For example, many Asian elephants have died

    in US zoos after catching herpes from African elephants.

Some animals are kept in cages, which show cruelty towards these animals. It shows that they do not consider animals' rights and feelings. Animal should have the right to go anywhere they want to go

  • the animals who live there are kept in enclosures that don't allow them to live their lives in a natural way.
  • Animals like polar bears or felines are used to hunting; the zoo with regular feedings replaces this habit. Most animals kept in zoos would naturally roam for tens of miles a day.
  • Surplus animals are either killed - and sometimes fed to their fellow zoo habitants - or sold to other zoos or dealers.
  • It's unnatural environment.
  • They treat wild animals as an entertainment for people too.
  • Animals change their behaviour in Zoos as it is different form the wild.

overall i think zoos can be a great place for animals... it's the safest place for the animals too... they are well feed and they don't have any worries....

but these won't be true in every zoos. some zoos can be too small for the animals and the animals may don't like it there....

these is topic where there will be an argument can take place...

As much as i love visiting to zoo i hate to see animals locked up like that, its not natural. Animals are not enjoying life in the zoos and they arent getting a chance to be a wild normal animal. If you have ever been on safari you would have seen animals jumping in the long grass and hunting food and eating large portions of it. do they get to do these things on zoos? no, its just not fair.

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13y ago

No, they should remain in their natural environments. Being cooped up in a zoo just for us to go and look at them is wrong. If you have ever been to a zoo, the animals don't seem like they enjoy where they are at.

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Q: Should animals be kept in zoos?
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Why animals should be kept in zoos?

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