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That would depend on many factors like: what were the results of the urine test? Were there any symptoms? Are there any underlying diseases or disorders? Are there medications being given that might cause symptoms or affect the laboratory results? These are a very few of the many questions that a doctor would evaluate before making a decision on whether further testing is needed or not.

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Q: Should blood work be recommended when you receive back results from urine?
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What blood type should each kind should donate to and receive from?

Blood group A can donate and receive blood from blood group A. Blood group B can donate and receive blood from blood group B. Blood group AB can donate only to blood group AB and receive from any other blood group (they are universal recipent) Blood group O can donate to any other blood group ( they are universal donor) and can receive from only blood group O.

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If you have the blood type A, it is recommended that you follow a diet high in vegetables and fish. For this blood type it is recommended that you avoid red meat altogether. With this blood type it is also recommended you limit your dairy intake.

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If you are a 40 year old man, it is recommended to be screened for blood pressure, colon cancer, and cholesterol. Women should receive the same screenings along with a mammogram and a pelvic exam.

How do I diet according to my blood type, blood type A?

The diet that is recommended for blood type A, is a low-fat vegetarian diet. Yoga and golf are the recommended exercises for this blood type. Dr. D'Adamo's book would be a good reference to what you should and should not do when using this diet.

Can one purchase a test for blood type over the counter?

It is not recommended to purchase it over the counter. In my opinion, it is best to visit your local health center or blood donation center to be sure the results are accurate. If you need blood in an emergency situation, you might not have time to spend getting your blood type, therefore; we should know our blood types.

AB positive blood group and what should be your life partner's blood group?

Anyone. AB can receive from anyone and positive can receive from positive and negative.

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The drawing of blood is not required or recommended in any situation.

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The person with Rh- blood will begin to make antibodies against Rh+ upon exposure. This may not occur with the first transfusion - but it is still not recommended to give an Rh- person Rh+ blood.

How do cells receive blood?

They don't receive blood. They make up the blood.

What occurs when lungs receive normal airflow and reduced blood flow?

Alveolar 02 concentrations rise and results in vasodilation of the pulmonary vessels to increase blood flow to match the airflow.

What blood type can A receive from?

Depending on whether you are A+ or A- you can receive different types of blood. If you have A+ blood you can often receive blood from A+, A-, O+, and O-. However, if you are A- you can only usually receive blood from A- and O-.

What should you do if you think you have mononucleosis?

Go have a blood test at a health facility. The results will be immediate.