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I would say that I am coming to agree with that statement. The difference in socialization and learning styles means that it makes a lot of sense. In his book "Why Gender Matters" Dr. Leonard Sax makes a good case that ignoring these sex differences serves to actually reinforce undesirable gender stereotypes. Check this website in the Related Link below:

Another opinionI would strongly support the view of single sex education. Students are mostly in a sensitive age, which implies dangerous in fact. In China we call it "Flower Age" when various emotions are likely to bloom. Meanwhile, the secondary education they are receiving is of vital importance, serving as a steppingstone toward higher education. During this crisis, nothing should be a bar to students from focusing full attention on study. Sending boys and girls to separate schools may only improve the current situation but it can still do good to protect students from overcoming love affairs for example. Another opinion:I disagree. A child's learning style does not depend upon their gender. In the primary school the teacher can present subjects in a way that appeals to boys and girls. Girls and boys get treated differently by their parents from birth. This is usually subconscious but little boys are more likely to be involved in rough play than girls. It can also be seen in the toys that the parents buy for the children, dolls for the girls, LEGO etc for boys. I think it is important that primary aged children get the experiences of playing with members of the other gender and to be encouraged to take part in non-stereotypical experiences, to counteract these stereotypes. I can not imagine the primary schools I have worked in being separate gender because many of the children need to learn how to socialise with the other gender especially when they are from single-parent families or are an only child. Another opinion:I did attend a girl's grammar school at senior/high school at this did not prevent us from 'love affairs' with the boys grammar down the road. As the school was only for girls there was much more arguing and it was cattier than mixed schools.

I disagree! Girls need to see their boys.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Boys and girls should go to the same school because their would be no reason to get up and take a shower in the morning unless there was someone to impress and they would still come to school in Pajama's even know that is against most school's rules 11% of boys cannot read by the age of 11 therefore girls could tutor in reading there are tons of reason but that's just a few

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โˆ™ 13y ago

Yes they need to focus on their work in class and then when they get out they have boyfriends/girlfriends. Also they want have to be destracted by who's cute or who they like and who look's fresh and it may be less destractions and it will not be weriode for health class and to talk about sex

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โˆ™ 16y ago

This is an opinionated question. In my opinion, I think that boys and girls should both go to the same school. There is nothing wrong with getting to know other people. If a girl goes to an all girls school all of their life, it will be hard for them to interact with boys because they won't know what to do. It is good to interact with boys and girls. Other people may have different opinions, but this is the opinion of M6-nine.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

In my opinion boys and girls should go to the same school, because the two sexes interact with each other on a daily basis in the real world. Separating the two in schools would set our future adults into individuals that are socially inept with the opposite sex.

However, there is definitely some research that would lean towards having only single gender schools for learning purposes. This is due to the distinct differences between boys and girls, and the effect that this has on the way that each gender learns best. A good solution would be to have schools with both genders but certain classes only with single genders. This would ensure that girls and boys are being taught in a way that will allow them to grasp the concepts and become intelligent individuals without sacrificing their social skills with the opposite sex. It has also been found that boys are lagging behind girls immensely in literacy, which could be ratified through single gender classes. Because the boys are behind, they will need more attention, and will need to read and write about things that interest them, so that they can catch up the girls. Also if they are behind the girls, having girls in their class will discourage them even more. Not to mention that girls have a wider range of books that they enjoy than boys, which probably caused the discrepancy in the first place. Girls enjoy the books that are being read in school, while the boys do not. This is most likely why girls are much more proficient in reading and comprehension than boys at this present time.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

It is all a matter of opinion. I think that they shouldn't be separated because it really isn't a big deal to have boys and girls together during a sex Ed class. It's not like they are going to have the boys and girls do "demonstrations" on each other.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

My opinion is no. Because what if some people only had friends that were boys or girls, they'll be separated and probably will be really sad.

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