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Well the proper response is that actually that is not a fact question, it is a question to be more likely answered by opinion. but yes my opinion would be to let phones in school. But the kids in my school already bring phones to school so, to my school it does not matter

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Q: Should cell be aloud out at school for emergency?
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What is a good debatable claim?

a good debatable claim is why cell phones should be aloud in school :) txt me

Should people be aloud to bring phones in schools?

Yes, they should be aloud to have cell phones in schools.

Why should kids get a cell phone?

if there is an emergency at school or somewhere else kids can call or text you

Should cell phones and personal devices be allowed in a school setting?

yes only in an emergency

Should cell phones be allowed in school for emergencies?

yes, because there could be an emergency in school and the parents might need to be reached

Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high school?

yes!It could be used for entertainment and emergency and can be used in free time.

Should cell phones be allowed in school on?

Phones can be used as a calculator and they can be useful for emergency calls. However, they can be distracting in lessons so they should not be allowed out in lessons, just in bags.

Should a 12 year old girl get a cellphone if she has two after school activities?

yes, gurls deserve a cell phone. they are no different then boys. and plus for emergency's!

What are facts about why students should be allowed to use their cell phones in school?

idk i need the same answer but this might help. no inconvience emergency contact and academic help

Is it good to have cell phones in school?

Yes it is, during an emergency like if you get hurt somewhere on campus.

Why should children have cell phones in school?

Children with cell phones have a safety precaution. They are able to make phone calls if there is an emergency or a potential emergency.

Why should kids have cell phones for emergency?

You've answered your own question, but it would be naive to imagine a child is going to confine his/her use to emergencies unless it's possible to have the 'phone call-barred to all but emergency or home/school numbers.