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This is a complex issue with ethical and practical considerations. Some argue that convicted criminals should still have access to social welfare to support their basic needs. Others believe that eligibility for such benefits should be reevaluated based on the severity of the crime committed. Ultimately, it is up to policymakers to determine the criteria for social welfare eligibility for convicted criminals.

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Q: Should convicted criminals be eligible for social welfare?
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Should criminals have the vote?

This is a controversial topic with arguments on both sides. Some believe that all citizens should have the right to vote, regardless of their past actions. Others argue that criminals have violated the social contract and should have their voting rights revoked as part of their punishment.

Will a Criminal background check show if you were arrested but not convicted of something?

Yes, a criminal background check can show if you were arrested even if you were not convicted of a crime. This information is usually included in a comprehensive background check report.

Should criminals receive rehabilitation before going back into society?

Yes, providing rehabilitation to criminals can help address the underlying issues that led to their criminal behavior and reduce the likelihood of them reoffending when they return to society. Rehabilitation programs can include therapy, education, job training, and substance abuse treatment to help individuals reintegrate successfully.

Should war criminals be prosecuted?

Yes, war criminals should be prosecuted to uphold the principles of justice, deter future crimes, and provide closure for victims and their families. Prosecution sends a strong message that no one is above the law and serves as a deterrent to others who may contemplate committing similar crimes. It also gives victims an opportunity to see justice served and helps in the process of healing and reconciliation.

Which sentencing principle holds that the severity of sanctions should bear a direct relationship to the seriousness of the crime committed?

The principle that holds that the severity of sanctions should bear a direct relationship to the seriousness of the crime committed is known as proportionality. This principle aims to ensure that the punishment fits the crime and that individuals convicted of more serious offenses receive harsher punishments than those convicted of less serious offenses.

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no, a thousand times no, (just my opinion)

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In order to become eligible for an EBT welfare account an individual should make an appointment with the welfare department in their town and talk with a representative.

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Convicted criminals should be punished as much as we want HERE, then deported. One should not escape prison becasue he's an alien.

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When one lives in any country they must abide by the laws of that country and sign a document stating this fact. If the person is a convicted criminal for the first time they should be deported immediately back to their own country.

Should violent criminals be eligible for the death penalty?

in my opinion: No. Violence is wrong but killing is worse. One saying that supports this: "Two Wrongs Dont Make A Right."

How should Canada deal with their war criminals?

Canada should deal with their war criminals by arresting them.

How does welfare hurt a society?

Welfare to needy citizens is a must if we are to make sure that adults and their children are properly fed and clothed. It becomes a problem when there are just too many citizens on welfare. Wherever and whenever possible, government and private charitable organizations should do their best to train and help people find jobs. Where there is a large problem in welfare is when it becomes generational. Meaning not only do the parents receive welfare but when their children are adults, they also have welfare. This hurts a society in that taxes are high to pay for welfare, and it becomes demeaning to individuals to continue being eligible for welfare.

How should canada deal with war criminals?

War criminals should be punished according to the crimes they have committed.

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When does anerae brown get out of jail?

he was convicted in 1992, but his sentence should be served in 2026.

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Illegal aliens should not be eligible for licenses.

Should terrorists be arrested like Ordinary Decent Criminals?

Hello............ There are NO DECENT CRIMINALS, and further any Criminal that harms another Human or Animal is a threat to society and should be either put in prison for 40 years automatic for taped or live streamed. And if they are convicted by trial then 20 years banished to an Island in the middle of nowhere to fend for themselves, and let's see how well they work for their food.