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Only their God, or Supreme Being (if they believe in one) can pass that judgment on them.

Only if they feel they should be.

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Q: Should criminals be held morally responsible for their actions?
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Why should you be responsible for other people's actions?

Generally speaking, we are not. We are, however, usually responsible for the actions of our children, and possibly for people in our care.

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No, this is upon the people who use the discovery. Think of Nobel who invented Dynamite.

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There actions may well be construed as war crimes and should be dealt with by the military.

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Yes, teenagers should be held responsible for their actions, but within a framework that considers their age and developmental stage. Providing guidance, support, and appropriate consequences can help teenagers learn from their mistakes and grow into responsible adults.

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Yes, it is important to take responsibility for your actions. Accepting responsibility shows maturity, accountability, and self-awareness. It also helps to build trust and respect in relationships with others.

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One should only be responsible for one's own actions so the answer is "NO".

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Canada should deal with their war criminals by arresting them.

How should canada deal with war criminals?

War criminals should be punished according to the crimes they have committed.

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The Abolitionists thought that slavery was morally wrong and should be ended.

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Each person should be held responsible and accountable for their actions to the extent and parameters of a) comprehension b) intention and c) ability to repeat the action.

Should criminals be punished or not?


Why should you not take a bribe?

It is illegal and morally wrong .