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No. The skin readily absorbs compounds, including any toxins coming from the foot pads themselves. The only known compound that will extract heavy metals by trans-dermal application is a chemical called DMSO, and foot pads do not contain it. There are other compounds such as EDTA (and natural food-based substances and supplements too) which must be taken internally to be of any use. Foot pads do not contain any of these things either. The foot pads simply contain chemicals that turn them dark whenever they are in contact with moisture. This is to deceive customers into believing that something must have come out of the body to make the pads "dirty". The fact that the discoloration rate changes over time for the pads is a likely indicator that their chemicals are aggravating the sweat glands.

During a real detoxification, a person usually feels worse before feeling better. In some cases, he may experience flu like symptoms, and substantially increased Allergies, especially during rapid detoxifications. This is believed to be due to the fact that the detoxification process frees toxins from the organs and/or fat cells so that the a great amount of stored toxins are freely moving in the blood at levels greater than ever before.

The amazing thing is that the FDA is allowing these while suppressing real alternative therapies, so the game plan must be to allow frauds like this in order to discredit alternative medicine. Members of the alternative health community are currently working to stop this deception.

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What are some reliable detox patches?

Detox foot patches are free from any artificial source of healing and rely completely on natural substances. These patches are made from bamboo tree extracts and wood vinegar.

How do the detox foot pads and detox foot baths differ?

The detox pads are patches that you simply adhere to your feet at night. When you wake up in the morning, the patches tuen brown, supposedly indicating that they pulled toxins from your body overnight. The detox foot bath requires you to pour crystal salt (or whatever they supply you with) into a special foot basin filled with water. You leave your feet in there for about 20 minutes to have toxins pulled form you body. After your session is over, the water turns brown from the toxins it collected.

How is the word detox defined?

The word "detox" can be short for "detoxify". Detox can be defined as a section of a hospital where patients are detoxified. Detox can also be defined as a treatment for alcohol and drug addiction or dependence.

Where can I find more information on detox for women?

It depends on what you want to detox from. If you want to detox from smoking, then you should visit a website that helps you stop doing that. If you want to detox from alcohol, then visit an AA webiste.

Is it best to detox under sedation or cold turkey?

Rapid detox for patients is done under sedation, while cold turkey is simply not using whatever substance the person is addicted to. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, so one should consult a physician to find out what method would be right for their current health conditions.

Where can you get help if you are in full detox and have Hep C?

If you are in full detox and have hep C you should call a crisis center in your area.

Does the beauty detox make someone beautiful?

Beauty detox should be undertaken by anyone seeking to rid their body of toxins and aid healthy cellular growth. Several options exist for detox and no option should be undertaken before consulting with a medical professional.

When should you use rescue detox ice?

always call the people at rescue for help on how to take their detox. they'll tell you what it works for, how and when to take it.

When to detox your body?

You should detox your body as often as possible. This is the process of removing toxic substances from the body which are commonly accumulated from the food eaten.

What is the safest way to detoxify your body?

There are two safest ways to detox our body. Those ways are already tested to be secured and fairly easy. The first one is the foot patches that have become popular in many health conscious circles and the second one is the use of detox cookbooks to prepare foods that can naturally detoxify our body.

What detox drinks work for THC test?

Water, lots of water. You should wait 3 weeks for full detox. Also exercising would help.

Is the 21 day detox health for a person to try?

Most detox plans are not healthy for you, this is one thing that you should try to avoid at all cost. These detox plans tend to make you lose weight at a rapid and very unhealthy rate.