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If it does the job there is no reason not to. unless the recipient has moral problems with it.

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Q: Should doctors substitute pig organs for human ones in an emergency?
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Doctors for the respiratory sytem?

Pulmonologist focus on the organs involved with breathing. Such as your heart and Lungs.

What is xeno-transplantation?

Xenotransplantation is the transplanting of animal tissues and organs into a human, and is being studied as a substitute for human organ donors.

What are the consequences of organsnot working?

If the organs of the body start to shut down, either the doctors need to do something fast, or the person dies.If the organs are functioning but not well, that's different, unless the person is recovering from a serious operation, or is in an emergency situation.If an organ does not work there's a medical reason, and of course, sometimes a surgical operation can be done, such as removing a kidney (not both kidneys), such as removing a part of a body that has cancer.

Do doctors leave in the other kidney if one is transplanted?

When they do a kidney transplant, they just put in a new kidney. Doctors just attach the kidney to the vital organs needed to go to the bathroom. Doctors do leave the old, used kidney in.

Visceral organs of a frog?

Visceral organs of a frog should not be eaten raw.

Can doctors tell if it is a boy or a girl in just 4 weeks?

No. The sex organs do not start to show until after the 10th week.

Can inmates donate organs?

Inmates can definitely donate their organs. However, they should pass the health standards before they donate their organs.

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Pick up the intestines of organs with a clean, dry dressing.

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Endocrinologists, doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of glandular disorders, have the most expertise to deal with adrenal virilization. Some doctors who treat disorders of the internal organs (internists)

Why was dissection a major advance in health care during?

Doctors could now viewbody organs and see the connection betweendifferent systems in the body.