

Best Answer

1. Too immature

2. Financially unstable

3. Too much pressure

4. Rarely works out

5. Not worth it

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Q: Should early marriage be encourage if the answer is no give me five reasons?
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Why should early marriage be encourage?

because you can always die at any moment

What about forced marriages and early marriages in zambia?

Forced marriage and early marriage are harmful. Marriage should be by freewill and not forced.

Reaction about early marriage?

Most individuals do not approve of early marriage in the United States because we encourage education and job seeking before starting a family. In other cultures marriages are considered a resource for monetary gain and participants are married at younger ages.

Why early marriage is not good give 5 scientific reasons?

Getting married is not a scientific issue and therefore no scientific reasons can be given neither for nor against it. Just reasons or opinions.

How do you avoid early marriage?

avoid pregnancy. have to say that's one of the top reasons people get married early. she gets pregnant, they are pressured to get married either by society or by their parents.

Explanation of how early marriage affects the quality of family?

early marriage

How early marriage cause for population growth?

Early marriage can contribute to population growth by increasing the likelihood of individuals having children at a younger age, leading to a longer period of fertility and potentially more children over a woman's reproductive lifespan. Additionally, early marriage often limits access to education and family planning services, which can further contribute to higher fertility rates and population growth.

Reasons for high maternal mortality rate in Nepal?

*Ignorance*Unsafe abortion*Unsafe delivery practice*Unwanted pregnancy*Early marriage & pregnancy

How early marriage encouraged by Islam could be justified while it affects health of mother and child?

The question assumes that early marriage affects negatively the health of the mother and the child and asks for justification to encourage early marriage in Islam while it is the opposite. Early marriage is better for the health of mother and child and that is why it is encouraged in Islam. In addition, early marriage is better for both wife and husband because it allows a good span of time and better chance for both to get medically treated successfully if there is pregnancy health problems. Also, early marriage is better for both man and woman (if affordable) to protect them from illegal sexualexcitements or sexual affairs. On the other hand, if mother finds health problems due to frequent pregnancy she is allowed, per religion, to control giving birth and to make the necessary precautions to delay pregnancy.

How many percent teenagers involved in early marriage?

almost half of the population are involve in early marriage

Advantage of early marriage or teenager marriage?

You get to be young grandparents!

Why did the activities of early traders encourage exploration?

they were adventurous.