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Q: Should elderly patients with terminal diseases be terminated?
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Do doctors recommend elderly patients to switch to a vegetarian diet?

No, usually doctors tell patients to reduce eating many animal products because of the links with circulatory system diseases, however.

Why are elderly patients unsuitable for ready-made total parenteral nutrition?

Elderly patients require more vitamins and less water than adults. Elderly patients cannot tolerate high levels of water.

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What does emi mean in care of dementia patients?

Elderly, mentally ill

How did Harold Shipman kill his patients?

He injected his mostly elderly patients with diamorphine (heroin).

Why do lice infestations pose a risk to the elderly?

The elderly are vulnerable to typhus and other diseases carried by lice.

What does gerontologist means?

A doctor who specializes in the health and diseases of the elderly.

Why is it difficult to detect meningitis in the elderly?

Similarly, debilitated elderly patients may not have fever or other identifiable symptoms of meningitis.

Is peanut butter safe to feed to elderly dementia patients?


Why do diseases affect the elderly?

Diseases affect everyone, but they are more likely to attack elderly people more as their immune system isn't as good as it once was. This puts them in a vulnerable position as opposed to people that are younger.

Who is affected by gasteroentologic diseases?

Gasteroentologic diseases disproportionately affect the elderly, with prominent disorders including diverticulosis and other diseases of the bowel, and fecal and urinary incontinence.

Is THC contraindicated in elderly lung cancer patients?

If I were caring for a elderly person with lung cancer, i wouldn't have them smoke it. I would have them eat food!