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Q: Should eyewitness testimony be allowed
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What is the importance of an eyewitness testimony?

Eyewitness testimony can provide valuable information in legal cases by offering firsthand accounts of events. However, it is also important to consider factors that can affect the accuracy of such testimony, such as memory biases, suggestibility, and stress during the event. corroboration from other evidence is often necessary to support eyewitness testimony.

What type of evidence is an eyewitness testimony?

Direct Evidence.

Eyewitness testimony and videotaped documentation are examples of what type of evidence?

Direct Evidence :)

Eyewitness testimony is not good and why?

That's the best testimony any lawyer or prosecuting can have. First account of the incident by someone who actually saw it.

Scientific evidence supports a belief that eyewitness identification is very credible reliable and responsible for solving many crimes.?

Actually, scientific research has shown that eyewitness identification is not always reliable and can be influenced by various factors like stress, memory decay, and suggestion. While eyewitness testimony can be useful in solving crimes, it is not always infallible and should be corroborated with other evidence when possible. Courts now recognize the limitations of eyewitness testimony and often require additional evidence to support it.

Is eyewitness testimony usually accurate?

Eyewitness testimony can be unreliable due to factors such as memory distortion, suggestion, and stress. Research indicates that memory can be influenced by leading questions and external factors, leading to inaccuracies in recalling events. Courts now recognize the limitations of eyewitness testimony and consider corroborating evidence to determine its reliability.

What does eyewitness testimony mean?

Eyewitness testimony refers to an account given by a person who has witnessed an event or crime. It is considered as evidence in legal proceedings, but it may be subject to limitations and inaccuracies due to factors like memory bias and suggestibility.

What is a testimonial evidence example?

Doctors said that eating candy is bad for your health. There are two kinds of testimony - the above is an example of expert testimony. The other kind is eyewitness testimony - "I saw Joe shoot Sam."

What is oral testimony?

Oral testimony refers to information or evidence that is presented verbally by a witness in a legal proceeding, such as a trial or hearing. It involves the witness recounting their personal observations, experiences, or knowledge related to the case under oath. Oral testimony is often subject to questioning by attorneys or judges to assess its credibility and relevance.

What if you cant remember what you said before and you get called to testify?

Only tell what you are sure of. Eyewitness testimony is unreliable yet it get heavy consideration from a jury.

What proof do you have that the senators killled Julius Caesar?

There's written testimony of eyewitness accounts of Caesar's murder. The conspirators also admitted killing him.

The main evidence presented against the accused witches in Salem Village was?

Eyewitness accounts. Although most of those people were threatened or tortured into giving false testimony. There wasnt actually any 'evidence' used in the witch trials. Raving testimony of young girls.