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Yes. otherwise you could be next...

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Q: Should genocide be a global issue?
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How did genocide in Bosnia differ from genocide in Rwanda?

NATO countries intervened in Bosnia to reach a peace agreement, but the global community failed to respond to genocide in Rwanda.

What was the main issue about the concentration camps?

um... Genocide?

Are oil spills a local national or global issue?

I think Oil spills should definitely be a Global issue because the wherever they may happen, the long term effects are going to affect everybody living on this Earth. Anyway, any disaster is a global issue and we should seriously start thinking how to prevent them. Or else, it may too late.

How is cancer a global issue?

the cancer of global issue is i don`t know what this mean okay

What is a global issue in Oceania?

Rising sea levels from global warming is a global issue. This is threatening many low-lying countries. It is a global issue because the warming is being caused by the actions of every country around the world.

Why is legitimacy an issue in the global south?

The legitimacy is an issue in the global south because of the need of good governance and accountability.

Where has genocide been practiced in the world?

Sadly, at one time in history or another, genocide has occured in nearly every nation of the world.

Is pollution a global issue or a environmental issue?

Yes it is because it is global warming and any country has global warming for example the Netherlands it's due global warming if not that country will be in a hazard of flooding !

Name 2 African countries that once had an issue with genocide?

Rwanda and Namibia.

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Is soil erosion a regional issue?

No, soil erosion is a global issue