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Q: Should go to the doctor if your tetanus shot expired got cut with a rusty naai and its been over a week?
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When stepping on a rusted nail how does that effect your body?

If you stepped on a rusty nail you should go to the doctor and get a tetanus shot

Should you get a tetanus shot if you were bitten by a hamster?

No, tetanus shots are for rusty metal.

What should you use to help heal a part of your body that has been cut or pierced by a rusty piece of metal?

You can do two things: 1. go to a doctor and get a tetanus injection or 2. go to a doctor and get a tetanus injection

If you got poked with a rusty wire form a tire blowout and have gotten a tetanus shot should you get another tetanus shot or any other kind of shot?

I stepped upon a rusty nail once. My doctor indicated that a tetanus booster is recommended if your most recent tetanus vaccination was more than 10 years ago.

What kind of doctor deals specifically with foot pain?

A doctor that deals with feet is called a Podiatrist and they also cover ankles and the lower leg. If you stepped on a rusty nail you are at risk for Tetanus and should definitely see a doctor right away if you have not gotten a Tetanus shot.

You step on a rusty nail which punctures your skin what shot should you get?

If you step on a rusty nail then you would have to get a tetanus shot

Can slightly rusty screws cause tetanus?

Most likely yes, rusty screws probably can cause tetanus

If a 4 year old child steps on a rusty nail and hasn't had her 4 to 6 year old vacinations how long should she wait to get a tetanus shot?

Take her to the doctor right away. The doctor will determine what needs to be done. I would expect that the doctor will give an tetanus shot right away.

What should a 15 year old have a tetanus booster or tdap if they stepped on a rusty nail and there immunization are up to date?

If your immunization is up to date, then you are fine! If not, you should get a tetanus shot ASAP after getting a rusty scrape or puncture wound. If you don't, and you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, you can get Lockjaw.

What should you do if You step on a rusty nail which punctures your skin If you haven't done so recently?

go straight to a doctors to get a tetnus shot!!

How soon after being attacked by a rooster should someone get a tetanus shot?

You do not need to get a tetanus shot if you were attacked by a rooster, only if you get a deep cut on something rusty

Can a rusty nail kill you?

If you have not been immunized with a tetanus shot it is possible for the tetanus you may obtain from having skin punctured with a rusty metal object to kill you