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If you step on a rusty nail then you would have to get a tetanus shot

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Q: You step on a rusty nail which punctures your skin what shot should you get?
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If steps on a rusty nail and punctures the skin which is better a hepatitis shot tetanus shot or a booster shot?

Tetanus. Hepatitis I would recommend if the nail was bloody before you stepped on it.

What should you do if You step on a rusty nail which punctures your skin If you haven't done so recently?

go straight to a doctors to get a tetnus shot!!

When stepping on a rusted nail how does that effect your body?

If you stepped on a rusty nail you should go to the doctor and get a tetanus shot

You step on a nail it wasnt rusty do i need a tenasis shot?

Be no the safe side and have a tetanus shot.

If someone treads on a rusty nail should they go and get a shot immediately?

A tetanus shot? Yes, if you are unsure when you last had one and it wasn't within the last couple of years.

How can you treat a rusty nail injury?

1.) Get a Tetnus shot 2.) If you stepped on it, get your leg amputated

If you step on a rusty nail and your tetanus shot is not up to date how do you treat it?

You simply get a new tetanus booster shot. You should get the booster every ten years. But do it immediately - not two weeks later.

What should a 15 year old have a tetanus booster or tdap if they stepped on a rusty nail and there immunization are up to date?

If your immunization is up to date, then you are fine! If not, you should get a tetanus shot ASAP after getting a rusty scrape or puncture wound. If you don't, and you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, you can get Lockjaw.

Can a rusty nail kill you?

If you have not been immunized with a tetanus shot it is possible for the tetanus you may obtain from having skin punctured with a rusty metal object to kill you

If you got poked with a rusty wire form a tire blowout and have gotten a tetanus shot should you get another tetanus shot or any other kind of shot?

I stepped upon a rusty nail once. My doctor indicated that a tetanus booster is recommended if your most recent tetanus vaccination was more than 10 years ago.

What do you need to do when you step on a rusty nail?

You need to wash the affected area immediately with soap and water, then you need to make certain that your tetanus shot is current. If not you should cover the wound with a clean dry piece of gauze and seek medical attention for a tetanus booster shot to protect you.

What are the effects of rust into a foot?

I'm guessing you stepped on a rusty nail or something, well first when was your last tetanus shot? If you recently got your shot (you should get one every 10 years) you should slowly remove the nail, and apply some hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to the infected area. avoid walking on that foot for about an hour so it can have time to heal.