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I'm guessing you stepped on a rusty nail or something, well first when was your last tetanus shot? If you recently got your shot (you should get one every 10 years) you should slowly remove the nail, and apply some hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to the infected area. avoid walking on that foot for about an hour so it can have time to heal.

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Q: What are the effects of rust into a foot?
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rashes,rust,and building damage.

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It causes the matals to rust faster.

What are effects of rusting?

rust made a building collapse and 2 much rust is bad 2 our plants. and in magnetizing unsnarls and others make sure that its rust is little because if too much rust is in the iron it can't work........

What are the effects of Rust on the human body?

if you get rust into a cut you could get tetanus so it is serious, you can get shots agaist it so ask another question on tetanus in the search

What are the symptoms of rust poisoning?

The symptoms of rust poisoning are the same as the symptoms of Tetanus. Those symptoms include fever, hand and foot spasms and excessive drooling. Other symptoms of rust poisoning are excessive sweating and trouble swallowing.

What are the effects of humidity on PC?

Humidity can cause components some to rust, and condensation can cause short circuits.

What is rust and also describe the rust of wheat?

Rust is a reddish- or yellowish-brown flaky coating of iron oxide that is formed on iron or steel by oxidation when in the presence of moisture.Rust of wheat is is fungal disease that effects wheat, barley and rye stems, leaves and grains.

How do you clean rust out of bathroom shower?

CLR (Calcium Lime Rust, a cleaning product) is good for removing rust and other deposits and effects from running water. In areas around the bathroom and kitchen where there is running water, it's excellent for removing things like that.

List three effects of the Teran war?

one of the effects of the teran report was the chicken, your butt, and the foot.:)

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No, although if you have rust in the cooling system, and bits of rusted out metal are flaking off and getting into the coolant, it can have other detrimental effects.

What are the effects on the athletes in sporting events?

leg pains and athletes foot