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There isn't a correct answer for this, there's three sides on this. Governments like logging because it makes their economy better. Environmentalists don't because it endangers too many creatures. And then there's one right in the middle, to not totally stop logging but to decrease the amount of logging each year.

?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!Which one do you agree with?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Q: Should government prohibit logging
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What are two things that can be done to encourage sustainable resources for Earth's human population?

1.) Rich people/places can use less resources and give/let other people/places that are poor use the resources too. 2.) Everyone can use resources wisely and conservatively. *apex

Should you be a democrat or tepublician?

If you believe that the government should be big and heavily involved in all aspects of your life and that the government should take care of you from cradle to grave, then you should be a democrat. If you believe in smaller government that should allow you to grow and prosper on your own without government help or interference then you should be a republican.

What are the Democratic Republicans political beliefs?

They favored a strong state government and a weak national government

What is the importance of our government in the Philippines?

Your government should reflect the values of the people. The government should respect the rights of individuals and not merely be a vehicle for majority opinion on every subject. Government should be active in protecting the people and not subjecting them to dangers modern or historic. If government is aware of a danger to the people (an earthquake fault or a volcano, for example) it should be pro-active in advising the people on the correct course of action that would help them mitigate the danger. Your government should provide the infrastructure that the economy depends upon, roads, dams, courts, record offices and the like. And should pay for these with a fair and just tax system.

What established the principle that the government should be based on laws and not on the preferences of a ruler?

our system of government to be based on the principles of equality

Related questions

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Government should prohibit illegal activities and activities that are detrimental to the economy. To do this, they have to establish agencies and committees to monitor various industries.

What are the punishment of illegal logging?

The punishment is that the person who ever cuts the trees for his personal use should plant the same tree and grow it and should be asked to pay some money to the government accepting that cutting trees is his mistake

Why is there logging?

There is logging because we need paper and other wood resources. But why exactly do we have logging? If you love logging or hate logging then you should do something about that cause if yo never wanted logging to exist I'm with you. I hate logging. That doesn't mean you have to though. If you love logging then make more logging happen. Have a debate with your class about this. Hope you liked my answer!

Why should logging be banned?

Logging should not be completely banned as it is an important industry that provides jobs and resources. However, sustainable logging practices should be prioritized to ensure that forests are managed responsibly and not depleted. Striking a balance between conservation and meeting the needs of society is crucial.

When does logging happen?

they should give as much detail as they can

Why should people stop logging?

to save the environment

Should the logging industry be allowed to harvest public forests?

It depends on the specific regulations and management practices in place. Sustainable logging practices can be implemented to balance economic needs with environmental preservation. Collaboration between stakeholders, including government agencies and environmental organizations, is essential to ensure responsible forest management.

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Configure logging to a syslog server IP address.Ensure that logging to the console is configured.

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Change your password

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Normally if a tree is felled in a park it is because it has become dangerous. So no logging in parks is forbidden.

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