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No. If the artist is good, they will earn their keep. If the artist is bad, they don't deserve help.

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Q: Should governments subsidize artists
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How long do you have to wait until you can get another tattoo if you just got one?

You should definitely wait until the first one is healed. Many tattoo artists recommend waiting 6-8 weeks to make sure there are no problems. Also (don't know who this question came from), you should not get tattooed if you have any kind of illness (even a cold) or if you are pregnant.

How many days of vacation does a tattoo artist get?

Most shops are quite flexible with artists and their hours, or at least the better shops are. There is no predetermined set of days that are allotted to a tattoo artist by law that I know of, but most shops usually give you as many as you can afford to miss…so long as your business is booming and you have clients set up when you come back to make up for any cash lost to the shop. All shops are different…most artists work off of commission, and this should be no less than 50% of your work…any more than that, you're getting your pants pulled down by the owner. Although most shops work this way, some shops charge you one flat booth rental fee per month, and the rest of the cash you make for the month is yours, this is the instance where you have more freedom as an artist, because you essentially make your own hours at that point. However, most shops are commission shops, so you're boss will be more unwilling to give you as many days off as you want, because they count on your 50% for the month.

What needle should you use to colour tribal tattoos?

This is totally dependent on the size of the piece that you are doing, the bigger the piece, the bigger the needle set. Typically, I like to fill tribal with a round shader as opposed to a mag. In my opinion you get a tighter grouping without having to really work at it, and for the most part, I hit the edges usually with a 15RS, and then will switch over to a 25RS for the middle fill. Most artists, including myself, will have a machine set up solely for tribal. Having a machine set up for a nice long stroke will give you the optimal results for tribal rather than trying to do it with a typical machine set up for general shade.

How many layers of skin should a tattoo go?

It should go all the way to the dermis! Which is the second layer of skin.

What credentials should I look for when hiring painters?

What should I look for when hiring house painters? Are there any credentials in particular I need to be aware of?

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