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Q: Should ignition breaker points arc when opening?
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The function of the condenser in a breaker points ignition system is to?

The function of the condenser in a breaker points ignition system is to keep the points from sticking together. If the points stick together during ignition it could cause the points to burn up. The condenser sends a signal to the points and then takes the signal away to make the points separate.

Does a 1975 dodge dart 318 have points ignition?

It should have electronic ignition.

Where is the ignition Module for a 1966 ford mustang located?

A 66 Mustang regardless of engine doesn't have an ignition module from the factory. It uses breaker points inside of the distributor housing to directly control the ignition coil.

What is a dwell angle on a spark plug?

Dwell angle is simply the amount of time the points or electronic ignition components are in a closed state to charge the primary side of the ignition coil for firing of the spark plug.. This time is expressed in distibutor rotation, hence the degrees..

What are the breaker points and condenser connected in an ignition system?

The points are in parallel with the condenser. Both are connected to ground on one side (screwed to something metal). The other side connects to the coil.

What is the firing order 1973 Corvette with points ignition?

The firing order for a 1973 corvette 350ci and the optional 454 is 18436572 Firing order remains the same for breaker point ignition as well as HEI electronic Position of #1 plug wire on distributor cap changes slightly when converting to HEI from a standard breaker point ignition system...............sfvrider242

How do you replace points on a 1977 nova?

A 1977 Nova should have electronic ignition and therefore wouldn't have points

How can you replace points on a 1977 nova?

A 1977 Nova should have electronic ignition and therefore wouldn't have points

What is the ignition point gap settings for a 1977 Chevy love 4 cylinder?

That truck should have electronic ignition, no points.

What is Point Dwell?

Cam dwell is: The number The number of degrees a cam rotates during the time the object controlled the cam does not move. The breaker points in the ignition system of a reciprocating engine are opened by a cam. The cam dwell, or cam dwell angle, is the number of degrees the cam rotates between the time the breaker points close and the time they open.of degrees a cam rotates during the time the object controlled by the cam does not move. The breaker points in the ignition system of a reciprocating engine are opened by a cam. The cam dwell, or cam dwell angle, is the number of degrees the cam rotates between the time the breaker points close and the time they open. Copied from:

What voltage should be found at points ignition on a 1977 XL Harley?


Are there points for a 1996 blazer?

If your speaking of ignition points, no. The last year that Chevrolet vehicles had ignition points was 1972.