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Q: Should is best Should you file bankruptcy or debt consolidation?
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What is some of the best bankruptcy advice?

"The best bankruptcy advice would be to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer, who can advise you of all your options. Talking with a debt consolidation company can also be very helpful."

What are the best debt consolidation programs?

With a debt consolidation loan, a company fronts you the money to pay off your debt (or a portion of your debt), so then your monthly debt payments get streamlined into the one loan payment. Your debt consolidation loan ideally has a lower interest rate so you can save on interest as you pay it off.

What steps can people in credit card debt take to reduce their debt without declaring bankruptcy?

Credit card debt consolidation with the help of an accountant or a debt consolidation service and careful management of income can be helpful steps in reducing your credit card debt without declaring bankruptcy.

Can I get debt relief as an individual, or is that only used on a corporate scale?

The best thing you can hope for as an individual in terms of debt relief is debt consolidation. Most debt relief programs are reserved for large corporations or even governments. I believe the only answer is really a debt consolidation aside from filing for bankruptcy.

What are some companies that will help an organization with debt consolidation?

Debt consolidation can be very helpful in avoiding bankruptcy but can also have its own set of issues. While there are companies that help with debt consolidation it's hard to find ones that are reputable.

What are two strategies you could use to get out of credit problems without declaring bankruptcy?

debt consolidation or debt negotiation

Is financial debt solutions a better solution fo filing bankruptcy?

Debt solutions or consolidation is something you should look into before filing bankruptcy. Consolidationg your debt allows you to make smaller payments over a set amount of time and can positively effect your credit.

Is debt consolidation a better than bankruptcy?

Answer Bankruptcy is a complicated process and it should be a last resort as it will damage person's credit for up to 10 years. Consolidating debt is always a better way to solve debt problems and protect the financial future. Bills has information and interactive tools to help consumers navigate through debt successfully.Answer :Yes, debt consolidation is better than bankruptcy.Bankruptcy may have a lasting impact on your credit report which will affect your ability to get credit at favorable interest rates.So debt consolidation is better to solve your debt problems.

What is the definition of debt consolidation loans?

Debt consolidation loans are loans taken out to repay other debt, typically this is done as a means to receive a lower interest payment or secure a fixed interest rate. Debt consolidation loans can also allow for discount, generally when the debtor is near to bankruptcy.

Is bankruptcy or consolidation better for your credit?

If the referrence is to a consolidation loan then that depending on the party's financial situation would be a better choice than BK. If the issue is whether a chapter 7 or 13 BK is the best choice, it is always preferable to pay debts even partially. However both are detrimetal to credit history. A 7 remains for 10 years a 13 when satisfactorily discharged remains for 7.AnswerAlways debt consolidation is far better. Bankruptcy should be your last resort as it affects your credit score badly for years to come. In debt consolidation you pay the debt consolidation company the repayment amount and they will inturn pay your creditors in such a way that your rate of interest is reduced. You can even go for debt settlement where your debt levels are reduced.

How do I find the best debt consolidation help?

You can find the best debt consolidation help at Another good site is

Where could one find information on how to reduce debt?

There are many places where one could find more information on how to reduce one's debt. The best places to go would be to visit a bankruptcy lawyer or a debt consolidation company.