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download/upload is dependent on connection bandwidth (speed) not component (pc, nook etc.)

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Q: Should it take 24 hours to download a book on the nook?
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Related questions

How much do you have to pay to download a book on the nook?

Downloadingg a book directly from your nook is free, all that is paid is the price of the book that you are buying.

Should you have printing book or nook?


Can you download a nook book into a Mac?

Yes, you can download and read Nook books on a Mac by using the Nook app available in the Mac App Store. Once installed, you can sign in to your Nook account and access your purchased books to read on your Mac.

Can you save nook books to an SD card?

Yes I think. I bet there is an option when you download a book or when you run out of space on your nook

Is the Nook Book an Android tablet?

A "Nook Book" is what the ebooks are called through Barnes & Noble.Assuming your question is something to the effect... Is the Nook Tablet Android based, Yes it is.

How do download books on the nook color?

The way I successfully do this is to connect the Nook to my computer. Go to your B&N Library, find the book you want to download. Click on "download" which you will see clearly to the right of your book. Once the download is complete, a box will come up on your computer screen, click on "save to open file", another box of downloaded materials will show up. Your book will be highlighted when the box shows up, click on it and "move to file" - a list of show up but if you're connected correctly "Nook folder" or something similar will show up. Click on that and you should be finished. The book is on your Nook. It's always safe to "archive" the book your just downloaded on your B&N account page.

Could i download and read a Nook e-book on a Google Nexus 7 tablet?

Yes, you can use the Nook app, which is available on Google Play.

How do you download a book into a nook tablet?

Goo to instaulles and Goo to book and chose it and klik download and then copy what he she thy and then goo to slow download and klik it and then wait 30 secend and then he will shoe yo to klik where to download it.

How many mega bites do you need to download a book to the nook color?

300 mega bites

How do you put books from your laptop to your nook?

Yu have to copy or download to your computer then download to nook. You can also copy and paste to your nook.

Can you download a magazine to your nook?

You can download magazines to your Nook. However, not all magazines will translate to the Nook Color so be aware.

Do you have to pay for books on nook?

Some books from the Nook you have to pay for. If you get the library app though, it lets you download book for free and lets you have them on your Nook for a few weeks for free. Then it automatically deletes them from your Nook once you have ran out of time for the book. Hope I helped!