

Should kids chew gum in sports?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No actually they should not because if they are say running, and they accidentally swallow it, they could choke, and maybe die.

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Q: Should kids chew gum in sports?
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Why you cant chew gum in school?

Kids chew it and spit it out on the floor

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Should Kids should chew gum?

It is generally safe for children to chew sugar-free gum in moderation, as long as they are old enough not to swallow it. Chewing gum can help promote saliva production which can help in maintaining oral health. However, it is important to monitor young children to ensure they do not choke on gum.

How many kids agree to chew gum in school?

Nearly all that have or are offered gum.

Why is it disrespectful to a teacher to chew gum?

Because they want the kids to be miserable and it makes a lot of noise. It's not disrespectful to a teacher to chew gum in class. It's disrespectful to a teacher to chew gum in class, after he/she says you cannot chew gum is class.

What is the best kind of gum to chew on a test?

Don't chew gum eat a peppermint! whoevea wrote this i think that you should chew peppermint gum for u information!

Bad reasons to chew gum at school?

actually its because most kids who chew gum inschool r too lazy or scared about getting caught

Why you should not chew gum in school?

The kids could stick the gum under desks and other things!Kids would blow bubbles in class and interupt it!They could spit it at the teacher and other kids!You could stick it in someone you hate's hair and no one would know who it was!

What is a conclusion that you can use about why students should be able to chew gum?

Allowing students to chew gum may help improve focus, reduce stress, and increase cognitive function. Additionally, it can be a discreet way to satisfy oral sensory needs, leading to improved behavior and attention in the classroom.

How many basketball players chew gum during games?

Alot of basketball players chew gum to stay hydrated

What is a train made from gum?

A train made from gum is a Chew Chew train get it a CHEW CHEW train.

How remove the smell of alcohol?

chew gum chew gum