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Q: Should law enforcement officers be held to a higher standard?
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Usually, the higher the GDP, the higher the standard of living.

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No, as of 2019, California law prohibits police officers from carrying gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, with few exceptions. There are certain situations where officers may be authorized to possess and use higher capacity magazines, such as for on-duty purposes or when participating in certain training activities.

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Yes. Since the standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance, it can be said that the higher the standard deviation, the higher the variance.

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Who should evaluate non commissioned officers?

NCOs are evaluated by their immediate supervisor, as long as the supervisor's rank is equal with an earlier date of rank or a higher rank.

Should peace officers be held to a higher standard than civilians?

In the performance of their duties, and in the adherance to the law (both on and off duty), yes, they should be. However, other than those job requirements it must be remembered that the people we employ to enforce our laws are not superhuman. They are just like the rest of us, and subject to the same human foibles and failings as everyone else.

What does raising the standard mean?

Higher level of standard

What is the use of local rank please tell?

Your question should give us a bit more context since there are various types of rank in various situations. In the military, officers of higher rank can give orders to officers or soldiers of lower rank.

How do police officers get to a higher rank?

by working hard and doing their best