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Q: Should mom dog have time away from puppies during day?
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When can chihuahua puppies be taken away from their mother?

It can really vary on the length of time before a Labrador retriever puppy can be removed from their mother. Most of the time it should be six to eight weeks before they can even be given out.

How do you house a puppy?

Puppies should be kept indoors unless supervised outside. It is not safe for puppies to live outside all the time. Inside, puppies should be given a safe play area that is easy to keep clean and is puppy-proofed. The play area should be large enough to accommodate a bed, food and water dishes, and a corner away from the bed and food to toilet in. During toilet training puppies will spend several hours a day in a crate used especially for that purpose. The crate should be just large enough for the puppy to stand erect, turn, and lie flat on his side comfortably, and no larger. If the crate is too large, the puppy may start toileting inside the crate. The whole idea of crate training is that puppies will attempt to avoid toileting where they sleep or lie.

How are puppies harmful to humans?

Puppies may be so cute, but they can be harmful to other animals or even childern in the home. Puppies can nip, bite, spread fleas (If outside most of the time), and can scratch. Puppies should be trained to not nip at a young age. They should have their own chey toys, because sharing toys with other dogs can put the puppy in danger. Puppies should regularly, be treated for fleas and ticks, and Puppies should also have their nails regularly clipped.

Can you give puppies away without shots?

yes u can its not by law either u can or they have to its your choice but if the puppies are really young let them spend time with their mother and drink the moms milk

When can Chihuahua puppies be given away from their mother?

6-8 weeks old is the best time to give them away if they have taken well to solid or canned food.

What are some tips for caring for terrier puppies?

There are many tips one should know for caring for terrier puppies. Some tips for caring for terrier puppies include giving the pets time to get adjusted to new areas and giving pets time to socialize.

How much time does a survived puppy with parvo need to be away from other puppies?

They shed the virus in their feces for 2 weeks after.

Can a dog hold a grudge on someone for murdering their pup?

No they cant. You see puppies get taken away all the time. I have a dog and we had to kill all the puppies. And my dog still tackles me and licks my face. So..... NO

What happens if my parents try to mate with they're own puppies Should i neuter the puppies Or will the mum and dad still try to mate with them And will the parents still have interest in each other?

You could have puppies with birth defects when the parents mate with the puppies. If you plan on keeping them all together, you should neuter the puppies. The mum and dad will be interested in each other the next time the mum goes into heat.

Can dog be away from newborn pups?

I am currently going through this whole puppie thing, I can tell you from what I have been noticing, A mother dog does not want to be away from her puppies for to long, She can get up and roam around but it isn't likely she will stay away from them, Unless she has rejected them for some strange reason, In which case you will need to do everything the mother does for the puppies yourself. But for short amounts of time it should be fine for the mother to walk around a little bit as long as she goes back.

Can puppies be taken away from their mother as soon as they open their eyes?

No. Taking a puppy away at such a young age would be severely detrimental to its health and mental development. Puppies need to be fully weaned, and gone through the socialisation stage (which happens around 6 - 8 weeks) with their own littermates, mother, and humans before they can be taken away. Puppies that have left before this time will most likely have socialisation problems later on.

How many weeks should a shih tzu puppy be when they leave their mother?

It is the same for all puppies. Don't take a puppy away from it's mother until it is 8 weeks old. It needs time to learn from it's mother.