

Should more money go to homeless people?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Should more money go to homeless people?
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How people are homeless in Chile?

there are more than 2 million homeless people in Chile

Why is there mostly black people that are homeless?

In Minneapolis I have never seen a black homeless person. Just creepy white people. It really depends on the majority race in your area. More blacks more blacks homeless. More whites more white homeless.

Why did so many people end up homeless during the Great Depression?

So many people ended up homeless during the Great Depression becuause they lost there jobs and had no money.

What can you do to stop homeless people?

To be honest, no one can stop homeless people. People are getting more and more poor and homeless, living on the streets because our government, your president and my queen won't do anything about it. Though, what you could try, is when you see a beggar on the streets, give them a bit of money and a bit of food. You'll feel happy. To know that you've helped someone.

How many people in Kentucky are homeless?

100 or more

How many homeless people were in 2008?

Around 900,000 people, if not more.

Was there homeless people in 1954?

Of course there were. There have been homeless people ever since people have been living in cities, and having to work for a living, and owed money to banks or through private dealings. They were never really covered by the media in those days. People were more proud then, and homelessness was looked upon as evil.

How many homeless people die from sickness?

Like more than 15,0000,0000. Lot's of homeless people get sick and die pneumonia. Go to google or yahoo for more info.

How homeless people live on the street?

a good place for the homeless to live is Bristol Tennessee you can't go hungry weather is much more mild than up north and money is easy to be had i know i was homeless for 6 months there and i was just fine. at 17

How many homeless people die each day?

they are a lot homeless how died and a scientific can not counted but for us is more important a piece of paper with numbers (money) than helping others.

Are there more homeless adults than homeless children in the UK?

In the UK, there are more homeless adults than homeless children. However, the number of homeless children is still a significant issue that needs attention and resources to support and protect these vulnerable individuals.

What can you do for the Homeless?

first we could have more homeless centres and overseas in country like ephiopia and other countrys more 1st aid medical supplies