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Q: Should people be compensated for donating their cells to science?
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Will you get paid more money when donating plasma if your blood type is AB negative?

Many people feel that blood should be donated for free. Paying money encourages people who should not be donating (drug users) to give blood to finance their habits and people who need money to donate too often and damage their health.

What is the limits of science?

science cannot answer questions about what people should do

Does anyone know about donating hair to 360 hair?

Yes. It is a project of donating hair to people with cancer.

Should science make average people better?

Trying hard should make average people better not just because they are learning science although learning science may inspire people to do better.

What are people doing to help Japan from the earthquake 2011?

Many people are donating money to help rebuild buildings & help the sick & injured. Most donating is being done online but some people are donating through games like FarmVille by buying Japanese special items.

What i learned in science?

You should have learned that other people, who do not know you, cannot work out from a distance, what you learned in science.

What are people doing to help Haiti's economy?

Donating tons of money.

Why do some people get compensated when a tragedy occurs?

because they can't help themselves

Why is it said that science can not tell us whether or not to smoke?

Science has indeed stated that people should not smoke. There is no uncertainty about it.

Who should read science fiction?

Ray Bradbury felt that science fiction was the only literature that dealt with how people should or should not handle technology and that everyone should read it.

What are the problems with the aid donating process?

The aid donating process tends to lack transparency. This makes people skeptical about whether their money is being used for the declared purpose.

What technologies are being developed to replace people donating blood?

Technology in Fluidics.